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1 Timothy 2:1-7 - Heeding an Urgent Call to Act

R. T. Tippett

[1] First of all, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, [2] for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. [3] This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, [4] who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. [5] For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, [6] himself human, who gave himself a ransom for all -- this was attested at the right time. [7] For this I was appointed a herald and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.


The first word of the Greek of verse one is a capitalized “Parakalō.” That is the first-person singular form of “parakaleó,” meaning “(a) I send for, summon, invite, (b) I beseech, entreat, beg, (c) I exhort, admonish, (d) I comfort, encourage, console.” (Strong’s Usage) As a capitalized word, the meaning is divinely elevated to a level of Yahweh, where Paul is writing the words that Yahweh is speaking to his soul, through the soul of His Son as the Lord over Paul’s soul and flesh. As the first word of a new chapter, this should be seen as the presence within Paul that made him a saint saying, “It is Strongly Encouraged,” as “A Call to Act” (Strong’s Definition). That “Call” is then connected to the Greek word “oun,” meaning “therefore,” which is a statement that says this “Encouraged Call to Act” is based on a change from the past that is moving to a different future. This is due to the word implying. “By extension, here's how the dots connect.” (HELPS Word-studies)

Following a comma mark, this transition is then said to be “at the beginning of everything,” where the “Call to Act” that is “Strongly Encouraged” is not just for a select few, nor for only a number of sins that many find impossible to break, but for “all” who heed the “Call to Act,” as the “first” step in changing “everything” that was before, so the old self has changed “everything.”

Following a comma mark of separation, Paul then wrote these changes are “to be enacted prayers,” where the Greek word “deēseis” is the plural form that says, “needs, entreaties,” implying in usage “supplications, and/or prayers.” This should then be defined as Paul saying the “first” step in this “Call to Act” is “to make humble requests” that are relative to this future state of being.

Following a comma mark of separation, Paul then clarified his statement to “prayers,” writing in Greek “proseuchas,” which is a plural form of the word clearly stating “prayers,” while implying in usage “prayers (to Yahweh)” and/or “a place for prayers.” This should be read as a statement that each individual soul in a body of flesh that heeds the “Call to Act,” to change from what one was to what one will be, means “humble requests” that comes from a close relationship with Yahweh, so communication with the Godhead is routine; and, one’s body and soul has become a temple (or tabernacle) unto Yahweh, with His Son the High Priest who leads the “Call to prayer.”

Following a comma mark of separation, Paul then wrote the Greek word “enteuxeis,” which means “petitions (of prayer) and supplications,” where the implication in usage is again “prayers,” as “intercessions.” This means the purpose of one’s “prayers” are for “interventions” that are “led by God, marking intersection between heaven and earth as it reflects the Yahweh’s specific will.” (HELPS Word-studies) This means these “prayers” are not for self-assistance, but for guidance so others can be helped.

Following a comma mark of separation, Paul then wrote the Greek word “eucharistias,” which is a plural form of prayers “of thankfulness” or “giving thanks.” This implies a follow-up set of communications with Yahweh that “give Him thanks,” in “gratitude” for His guidance and assistance where help was needed. This is not “giving thanks” for having made one be special in the eyes of others; but “thanksgiving” for one’s being enabled to serve Yahweh as He sees fit.

Paul then followed another comma mark of separation by ending verse one saying all of this devotion to Yahweh is “for the sake of all of humanity” or “mankind.” This is then a strong statement that says heeding the “Urgent Call to Act” as a servant of Yahweh, as His Son reborn into ne flesh on earth, this is not for one’s own personal benefit. Yahweh does not choose servants to do His Will as His Son’s resurrected flesh on earth, so Yahweh picks His own pet souls to save. Yahweh chooses those souls who desire to change from a sinful past to a righteous future, which is only done through complete subjection of self-will and self-ego, for the “whole” purpose of being in communication with Yahweh, doing what He Commands, so more lost souls imprisoned within “mankind” can be freed to eternal salvation.

Following a comma mark of separation at the end of verse one, Paul then began verse two by stating, “for the sake of kings, which he then followed with the word “kai,” which is a marker word that denotes importance to follow “kings,” as relevance to those. Here Paul added, “of all of these within to superiority of existence”. While this can come across as if Yahweh is leading Paul to pray for all kings, the word “kings” is importantly defined as being in the Genitive case, which is the possessive. This then says “kings” are “of all … of these … within to superiority of existence”. The use of “en” as a statement of one’s soul “existing” in the possession of Yahweh and His Son’s soul within makes “of these” be a reference back to verse one, as “these” who heed the “Urgent Call to Act” as servants of Yahweh and forever change. This divine possession is then the meaning of “to superiority of existence,” as one’s past soul alone in its past body of flesh is no longer. The new soul-flesh has become the possession of Yahweh, which makes self-sacrifice become “for the sake of kings,” with the word “kings” now seen as having nothing to do with the kingdoms of “mankind,” but those who will reign in the kingdom of heaven as Yahweh’s saved souls.

Following another comma mark of separation, Paul then explains this divine possession is “in order that tranquil” is a release of human tensions, relative to being possessed by the guilt of sins and transgressions. Here, Paul added another use of “kai,” which importantly explains “tranquil” to be a state of “quite” that is “peaceful.” To be possessed by “peace” means a soul has found completion in the quest to return and be one with Yahweh. The added statement of “life” goes beyond the simple “life” of a breath of life breathed into a body of flesh as birth, as that “life” is limited to the timeframe a body of flesh takes to become a corpse and return from whence it came. Thus, “life” is relative to eternal “life,” which is only known when one’s soul has found the “peacefulness” of Yahweh and His Son surrounding one’s soul-flesh. The Greek word written next by Paul – “diagōmen” – is the first person plural subjunctive that says “we may pass” or “we might carry over.” This says that eternal “life” extends beyond the time a body can support the breath of “life,” so that “life may carry over” in “these” who have found the “peace” of salvation.

Following a comma mark of separation, Paul then concluded verse two by adding, “within to all to godliness kai to seriousness .” Again, the use of “en” is a statement about the soul being possessed, were all “these” saved have been moved “to godliness,” which is then importantly explained as being the sincerity of commitment, where there is no semblance of falseness or pretense. To be moved “to seriousness” is a statement of divine union at the altar of subjection totally, completely, and willing through love to Yahweh forever.

Following the period mark that ends verse two, it is important to see that the first word of verse three is the lower case “touto,” meaning “this.” This absence of capitalization shows the syntax of normal language does not apply to divine Scripture, where capitalization of the first word completely diminished there being any extra value denoted in common capitalization. This being seen must then take one back to the capitalized first word of verse one (“Parakalō”), such that in divine syntax there is nothing that should be overlooked as common and needless. All capitalized words in divine Scripture (just like all uses of “kai” are to be read as markers, not words simply stating “and”) must be seen as part of the divine syntax that led the hand of an Apostle to write the Word of Yahweh.

Following verse two ending with the importance of one’s soul being moved “to seriousness,” verse three is then directly pointing to that state of “dignity,” by beginning with “this.” Because “this” begins a new series of words in a new train of thought (following a period mark), the same “this” also becomes reference to everything stated prior, in verses one and two, relative to heeding an “Urgent Call to Act” so one’s soul (and those of others) will be saved. Here, Paul then wrote the Greek word “kalon,” which says “this” can be described as “beautiful” or “good,” with the implication of usage allowing it to say, “an outward sign of the inward good, noble, honorable character; good, worthy, honorable, noble, and seen to be so.” (Strong’s) In that, it becomes important to recall how Jesus scolded the young, rich man who addressed him as “good teacher,” when Jesus replied, “Only God is good.” Here, the same intent must be understood, as Paul was led to say “this” change from the old to the new is the “beauty of Yahweh’s work.”

At that point, Paul wrote another “kai,” which importantly explains “good” as a change that makes one “worthy” or “acceptable to be received before the face of this Savior of our souls”. Here, the Greek word “enōpion” means “in sight of” or “before,” where the implication has it project “before the face of, in the presence of, in the eyes of.” (Strong’s) This says that one’s soul (the “within”) must be made “good,” which is a cleansing by the Baptism of Yahweh’s Spirit, so one’s soul-flesh is deemed “worthy,” in terms of purity and without sin. From that state of cleansing, one’s flesh can then become the physical “face” of Jesus, as the Son of Yahweh reborn. The name “Jesus” means “YAH Saves,” which makes the soul of Jesus (a.k.a. Adam) become the “Savior. This presence is again “within” one’s soul (not separate or external), so the use of the Greek plural possessive pronoun “hēmōn” is translates as “ourselves,” but the use of “selves” can only mean “souls.” Therefore, Paul wrote that the “Savior of our souls” possesses each soul individually; and, Paul then wrote the capitalized word “Theou,” which divinely elevates “of God” to say Yahweh possesses each of His wife-souls through His Son’s presence, sent by Him to those souls that heed the “Call to Act” for salvation.

Following a comma mark at the end of verse three, verse four then begins by Paul stating (inspired by Yahweh), “which all humanity (men and women) intend to be saved”. In this, the Greek word “anthrōpous” (which was stated at the end of verse one, as “anthrōpōn”) is a plural statement of “men,” but must be read as “mankind” or “humanity.” This is then a statement that the only thing that separates a human being from a corpse is the soul animating otherwise dead flesh to the semblance of life. It is those individual souls that make up the totality of “man” or the “human race” that knows coming into its flesh at birth, each soul has committed to Yahweh to find its way back to Him again, before death releases a soul for Judgment. Thus, each soul of “humanity intends to be saved.” That, however, is not the case, after a soul becomes enslaved by its flesh and the urges whispered into human brains by Satan.

Following another comma mark of separation, Paul then wrote another “kai,” which denotes the importance of understanding “into knowledge of truth to come”. This says the “intent to be saved” demands a soul seek Yahweh to guide him or her, so “into” one’s soul “comes the truth” that leads to taking the first step towards change from the sinful to the pious. Here, “of truth to come” (where the Genitive case shows “truth” possessing one’s soul) this is relative to divine Scripture, which is easily read, but impossible alone to decipher for the “truth.” This says possession “of truth” is that of the soul of Jesus, who leads one’s brain to see divine Scripture in a new light, one “of truth.” To fulfil the “intent to be saved,” it is important to realize this “intent” cannot be fulfilled alone. It demands divine possession and submission of self-intellect to receive insights “of truth.”

Following the period mark that ends verse four, verse five begins with the capitalized Greek word “Heis,” which means “One.” With verse four ending by saying, “into knowledge of truth to come,” the number “One” must be seen as divinely elevated to the level of Yahweh, where Yahweh is the “One” God, Jesus is His “Only” Son, and the soul of one saved has become “One” with Yahweh and Jesus, through divine marriage and the soul of Jesus joining with one’s soul, becoming its “One” Lord. Paul then added that “One” is “indeed God,” where the possession “of truth” can “Only” come from Yahweh.

Following a comma mark of separation, Paul then repeated the word “heis,” this time in the lower case, which says “one” is the union of a soul with the soul of Jesus, where two souls merge as “one.” With the capitalized “One” said to “indeed” be “God,” the lower case “one” is then importantly (from use of “kai”) “the mediator” or “go-between” “of God,” where the Genitive case again states the divine possession “of God.” This is then importantly said to be (from another “kai” written) “of mankind,” which says the “mediator” comes from “God” to possess the souls “of mankind.”

Following a comma mark of separation, Paul then ended verse five by stating, “mankind Christ Jesus,” where two capitalized words are written back-to-back, with each separately divinely elevated to a level of Yahweh. Both “Christ” (from “Christos”) and “Jesus” (from “Iēsous”) are then that which differentiates normal “mankind” from that possessed by God, as that “of mankind.” Here, it is vital to realize that the Greek word “Christos” is a statement of divine “Anointment,” where the level of Yahweh means Baptism by His Spirit, which cleanses a soul, making it possible to be possessed by the most pure Son, “Jesus.”

The word “Christos” is synonymous with the Hebrew word “Mashiach,” which in English is “Messiah.” Both mean (in the lower case) a ceremonial “anointment” with oil, by a high priest. Because David was both lower case and capitalized “Anointed” as a boy (by Samuel and Yahweh’s Spirit poured out upon his soul forever), there is no limit to the word “Christ” or “Messiah” to only being that human being that walked the earth, by the name of “Jesus.” The name “Jesus” (told to be the name given by Gabriel when Mary was informed she was pregnant with the Son of God) means “YAH Saves.” As such, the name “Jesus” here means “YAH Saves” all souls who He has Anointed, by sending the soul of His Son to Save their souls. The prerequisite for salvation is then being made pure, as a “Christ” of Yahweh. The Son of Yahweh is then the “mediator between God and mankind.”

Following a comma mark ending verse five, verse six has Paul explaining the final remark in verse five: “mankind Anointed so YAH Saves.” Here, Paul wrote, “this having given his soul a ransom on behalf of all”, which says the physical Jesus was “himself” (where “self” equates to a “soul”) the soul of Adam reincarnated. Adam is the Son created by Yahweh for the purpose of saving souls, which was planted by Yahweh into the womb of a virgin girl, to be born of a woman, destined to die, “so his soul would be the payment for redemption on behalf of all” souls seeking salvation. Paul then added this even had already taken place, releasing “his soul as ransom on behalf of all,” due to “this testimony to event to one’s own.” Saul was “testimony” or “witness” to the result of Jesus’ death releasing his sol to save others, as the truth of Christianity’s spread. Paul, himself, was a “witness” to the soul of Jesus speaking to his soul, when Paul was saved.

After a comma mark ending verse six, Paul began verse seven by expanding on “this testimony to event to one’s own,” especially placing focus on “his own testimony” that the soul of Jesus was “ransomed” to pay Saul’s debts of sin. In this, Paul wrote, “into this I was placed my soul a proclaimer kai an apostle — truth I speak”. This says Paul was a “witness” to this resurrection of the soul of Jesus in new flesh, merging with a host soul, becoming the Lord of that entity. Because the Greek possessive pronoun “egō” is translated as “myself,” with “self” equating to Paul’s “soul,” it was not Paul who spoke, but the soul of Jesus having come into Paul’s soul that “speaks the truth.” Because Paul was recognized as “speaking the truth,” he announced he was “a delegate” or “an apostle” in the name of Jesus. That possibility was because Paul was Anointed by Yahweh as a Christ, so the soul of Jesus could join his purity with that made pure.

Following a semi-colon mark that separates that statement from a similar, yet different statement, Paul added: “not I speak falsely — a teacher of Gentiles”. That means Paul speaking to those who knew nothing of Hebraic Law would know what Saul was raised to believe, falsely, which led him to persecute Christians wrongly. By “teaching Gentiles,” Paul could only bring their souls to submit to Yahweh by speaking the truth. Following a comma mark of separation, Paul then concludes verse seven by adding, “within to faith kai to truth .” This, once more, states “en” as a soul level of commitment brought about by speaking the truth. It sets true “faith within,” which is far greater than beliefs without proof. The proof of “faith” is importantly a soul being able to understand the “truth,” from divine insight “within” their souls.

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