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[4] adonay Yahweh has given me
the tongue of a teacher,
that I may know how to sustain
the weary with a word.
Morning by morning he wakens--
wakens my ear
to listen as those who are taught.
[5] adonay Yahweh has opened my ear,
and I was not rebellious,
I did not turn backward.
[6] I gave my back to those who struck me,
and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard;
I did not hide my face
from insult and spitting.
[7] wadonay Yahweh helps me;
therefore I have not been disgraced;
therefore I have set my face like flint,
and I know that I shall not be put to shame;
he who vindicates me is near.
[8] Who will contend with me?
Let us stand up together.
Who are my adversaries?
Let them confront me.
[9a] It is adonay Yahweh who helps me;
who will declare me guilty?
This song of Isaiah is read on every Passion Sunday (a.k.a. Palm Sunday), in Years A, B, and C.
September 2018. This is what my observations were, when this reading was part of the Proper 19 readings, for the seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost lessons.
March 2021 here. This was what I wrote when this was part of the Passion Sunday Year B service.
August 2021 here. This was when the same reading is presented on the sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost [Proper 19], during Year B.
In my last commentary, I adjusted the text to show “adonay,” “wadonay,” and “Yahweh.” I pointed out how that does not mean “the Lord God.” The word “adon” is the singular number Hebrew word that says “lord” (not capitalized), with the two variations of “adonay” being the plural version, clearly saying “lords.” To then pair that with the fools who translate Hebrew into paraphrased English (besides their changing a plural word into the singular and capitalizing that as a singular “Lord”), they all of a sudden stop translating “Yahweh” as “the Lord,” making Him be a “God.” Of course, they could explain that by saying, “Oh! Our paraphrase switched the order of the words written, so we translated “Yahweh” as “the Lord,” making “adonay” become “God.”’ Still, that ignores the plural number and their lie needing to be translated as “the Lord of lords.” That would actually be more in line with the true meaning of “adonay.”
In the time that has passed since August of 2021 (six months), I have come to realize more clearly that “adonay” is similar to the Hebrew word “elohim,” but with a slightly higher connotation. One of the “elohim” (an “el”) is an ‘angel in the flesh,’ which means a soul in a body of flesh has become married to Yahweh, with His Son’s soul (that of Adam-Jesus) resurrected within that soul hosting flesh, becoming divinely possessed. That divine possession is an “elohim” (one being an “el”). One has to reach that state of existence to become a Saint, one in the name of Jesus, as a Christ. That is the basic statement of divine possession. However, becoming one of the “adonay” (or “adonai,” as an “adon”) is the purpose for Yahweh divinely possessing a soul animating flesh; and, that is to teach.
In verse four, this aspect of teaching (as a Saint) is explained as Isaiah singing, “adonay Yahweh has given me the tongue of a teacher, that I may know how to sustain the weary with a word. Morning by morning he wakens -- wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught.” This becomes why the disciples called Jesus their “Teacher, Master, or Lord.” In John 13:13 (when Jesus had washed the feet of his disciples at the Seder meal in the upper room), he said, “you call me This Teacher kai this Lord , kai honorably you say , I am indeed .” This is the truth spoken by Jesus, because his soul in his flesh was not only as a Yahweh elohim (the Son of Yahweh reborn – Adam’s soul returning as one whose name says, “Yah[weh] Saves”), but also as the epitome of an “adon” or “lord,” as a “teacher” of those who sought the truth of Yahweh. Isaiah was another soul in human flesh that was an “elohim,” who was sent out to others, for the purpose of being “a teacher” of Yahweh’s truth. Verse four states that clearly.

In the rest of these verses, which I have commented on prior (multiple times), it is important to see that an “adonay Yahweh” is a divine “teacher” of truth, where he listens to that told to his possessing soul (Adam-Jesus) by Yahweh [as Jesus said, “For I myself have not spoken, but this having sent me Father the same, me a commandment gave what I should say kai what I should speak.” – (John 12:49)]. These verses from Isaiah 50 reflect that same obedience, as a soul divinely possessed by the Father – Yahweh. Thus, it is important to see how the persecution of others, who direct their anger at anyone who acts righteously, to force them to stop pretending to be ‘holier than thus,’ because they do not believe such righteousness is truly possible. It is not only possible; but Isaiah (and Jesus too) sang how he could withstand the punishment, because he knew his ego had already been sacrificed for a much higher cause. Isaiah (and Jesus too) knew that punishment resulting in death would only release an “elohim” soul to eternal life, having already died as a lord over one’s flesh.
As an Old Testament song sung inside a nave, prior to the reciting of about two chapters of Luke (in Year C), no priest will have the balls – nor any parishioners have the guts – to spend a whole day explaining and listening to explanations (verse by verse), about everything that has been read aloud on what is called “Passion Sunday.” That is a reflection that no one is an “elohim,” no one is a Saint, no one is an “adon” of Yahweh, and (certainly) no one is Jesus reborn, as a Christ. It says Christianity has been reduced to some form of entertainment that is all about the pageantry of show, with no one ever able to become a teacher like Isaiah or Jesus. The only thing anyone gets out of this day is a blade of palm branch … and that is then given back to the church, so they can form them into crosses that will be passed out at another time, before collecting those to be burned for ashes to be added to oil (used on Ash Wednesday – more pageantry).
Aside Note:
In case this is difficult to grasp, it really is not. A soul in a body of flesh is the "lord" ("adon") of its flesh … the flesh into which Yahweh breathed a soul at birth. As a child that grows, the fleshy brain (the seat of one's "lord" or "adon") is taught many things: from the environment, from parents, from friends, and from school teachers. A fleshy brain absorbs knowledge like a sponge (with not all knowledge the truth). When puberty kicks in, the body of flesh (extensions of the fleshy brain) begins to scream out, "Hey! What about me!" The body of flesh slowly becomes the "lord" over the brain, so the brain begins to justify the desires of the body of flesh. This is regardless of what one has been taught to guard against. Then, it takes an innocent soul and enslaves it to follow the whims of the flesh, which is what religion says are sins. While sins are natural, some become addictions. External things of the world … like drugs, sex, money … become influences (gods or elohim) that take total control over a soul and its body of flesh, making it not only sin, but do heinous acts that are criminal. In the Bible are stories of those demonically possessed; and, such demonic possessions are the presence of an evil soul within one's birth soul. This becomes the "lord" or "adon" one was naturally born with being enslaved by a Satanic or Devilish soul that joins with one's soul; and, that demonic presence becomes one's "Lord." This capitalized "Lord" is why a true Christian does not want to refer to Yahweh as something so general and non-specific. To have evil demons cast out, one needs to seek Yahweh's help. That leads to an encounter with a Saint, who is a normal soul possessed by Yahweh's Spirit, reborn with Jesus as his "Lord." That presence initiates the Spirit, sent by Yahweh's Son's soul to enter one's natural soul, casting out all bad demons. That is Baptism by the Spirit, which cleanses a natural soul, in the marriage of a soul to the Yahweh Spirit. The presence of Jesus' soul within one's soul (a good possession of spirit - the resurrection of Jesus within) makes his soul become one's "Lord" or "Adon." Jesus rules as "Lord" over one's natural soul and its flesh. Rule over the natural soul ensures that soul a return to be one with Yahweh, when it leaves its body of flesh. If you would like to read more on this subject, look up Eudaimonia. The root word there is "daímōn," which is where the word "demon" comes. It actually refers to a "spirit," which is like a "soul." One needs to realize there are bad spirits and there are good spirits. The capitalized "Spirit" ("Pneuma") is the best Spirit to be possessed by. It is the challenge of a soul's presence in matter. The soul must find the way back to Yahweh. Matter becomes the tomb, as well as the "Lord" to overcome. The antonym is "Disdemona" (from Greek "δυσ + δαίμων), which means "ill-fated, unfortunate." Any spirit that takes over a body of flesh, enslaving a natural soul to serve it, is a "Lord." A natural soul cannot defeat any "Lord." Thus, a soul must surrender itself to Yahweh in divine union, which means His Son Jesus ("Yahweh Saves") is one's "Lord," who defeats all others "gods" or "elohim."