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A review of Nostradamus: Election 2016

Updated: Jan 21

I wrote this review of a History Channel production that was advertised like a supermarket tabloid display: Nostradamus Predicts Who Wins the Election!!! Read all about it here!!! Most sane Americans realize trash when they see it and don’t buy into it.

I imagine there will be a new list of quatrains that predict who will win in 2020.

Yawn. Oh well.

I re-present this review so it is possible to see the tricks that are standard and regularly pulled out of the ‘Nostradamus magic bag.’ Don’t be fooled. The list of quatrains they presented are listed below, in Old French. Please do not try to make heads or tails out of them. They are inaccurate representations; but just think about how much time it would take you (in your native language) to construct the same number of ‘meaningless poems’ … so meaningless that someone five hundred years from now would still be marveling at what you wrote. Most people would struggle to write one poem and then stop. Nostradamus published 943 of them (with the possibility there were one thousand).

Also, I included a couple of pictures in the original post (the old blog) that did not transfer here. One was of young (ugly as sin) Hillary. Look that one up if you need to be reminded of how ugly she was. [A soul has a way of making the flesh look like it.]



This is what Nostradamus published in the 1568 Lyon edition of The Prophecies, in the order of presentation on the Josef Goebbels Channel … I mean the National Propaganda Channel (a.k.a. The History [as we present it] Channel), with no repeats.   You may notice there are zero words in English, because Nostradamus wrote in Old French.  Therefore, everything presented on Nostradamus: Election 2016 was a creation of someone other than Nostradamus.

III-81 Le grand criar sans honte audacieux, Sera esleu gouverneur de l’armee. La hardiesse de son contentieux, Le pont rompu, cité de peur pasmee.

VIII-15 Vers Aquilon grands efforts par hommasse Presque l’Europe & l’univers vexer, Les deux eclypses mettra en telle chasse, Et aux Pannons vie & mort renforcer.

VIII-23 Lettres trouvees de la royne les coffres, Point de subscrit sans aucun nom d’hauteur Par la police seront cache les offres, Qu’on ne scaura qui sera l’amateur.

VIII-20 Le faux messaige par election fainte Courir par urben, rompue pache arreste, Voix acheptees de sang chapelle tainte. Et à un autre l’empire contraicte.

I-57 Par grand discord la trombe tremblera Accord rompu dressant la teste au ciel: Bouche sanglante dans le sang nagera, Au sol la face ointe de laict & miel.

II-46 Apres grant troche humain plus grand s’apreste, Le grand mouteur les siecles renouvelle: Pluye, sang, laict, famine, fer & peste, Au ciel veu feu, courant longue estincelle.

I-53 Las qu’on verra grand peuple tourmenté, Et la Loy saincte en totale ruine: Par autres loix toute Chrestienté, Quand d’or, d’argent trouve nouvelle mine.

I-61 La republique miserable infelice, Sera vastée du nouveau magistrat: Leur grand amas de l’exil malefice, Fera Sueve ravir leur grand contract.


Un Empereur naistra pres d’Italie, Qui à l’Empire sera vendu bien cher: Diront avec quelz gens ilz se ralie, Qu’on trouvera moins prince que boucher.

II-51 Le sang du juste à Londres fera faulte, Brusle par fouldres de vint trois les six: La dame antique cherra de place haute, De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.

VI-97 Cinq & quarante degrés ciel bruslera, Feu approcher de la grand cité neufve, Instant grand flamme esparse sautera, Quant on voudra des Normans faire preuve.

IV-54 Du nom qui onques ne fut au Roy Gaulois,          Jamais ne fut un fouldre si craintif: Tremblant l’Italie, l’Espaigne & les Anglois, De femme estrangiers grandement attentif.

IV-16 La cité franche de liberté fait serve, Des profligés & resveurs faict asyle: Le roy changé à eulx non si proterve: De cent seront devenus plus de mille.

II-24 Bestes farouches de faim fleuves tranner, Plus part du camp encontre Hister sera: En caige de fer le grand sera treisner, Quand rin enfant de Germain observera.

VI-83 Celuy qu’aura tant d’honneurs & caresses, A son entree de la Gaule Belgique: Un temps apres sera tant de rudesses, Et sera contre à la fleur tant bellique.

I-35 Le lyon jeune le vieux surmontera, En champ bellique par singulier duelle: Dans caige d’or les yeulx luy crevera, Deux classes une, puis mourir, mort cruelle.

VIII-70 Il entrera vilain, meschant, infame Tyrannisant la Mesopotamie, Tous amys fait d’adulterine d’ame, Tertre horrible noir de phisonomie.

I-25 Perdu trouvé, caché de si long siecle, Sera pasteur demy Dieu honoré: Ains que la Lune acheve son grand siecle, Par autres ventz sera deshonoré.

II-67 Le blonde au nez forche viendra commettre, Par le duelle & chassera dehors: Les exiles dedans fera remettre,                    Aux lieux marins commettant les plus fors.

V-60 Par teste rase viendra bien mal eslire, Plus que sa charge ne porte passera: Si grande fureur & raige fera dire, Qu’a feu & sang tout sexe trenchera.

I-86 La grande royne quand se verra vaincu, Fera exces de masculin courage: Sus cheval, fluve passera toute nue, Suite par fer: à foy fera outrage.


As for the accuracy of the interpretations presented, anyone with a filthy pig will be happy to know your hog wash is ready.

Nostradamus was presented as a user of the method of prophecy called “scrying,” which includes gazing into crystal balls, as well as gazing into a reflective pool of water dyed with black ink. No evidence was presented to uphold this view as valid. Logic requires that one defend one’s statement that Nostradamus looked into a bowl of water, with a hood over his head, with nutmeg giving him hallucinations that became the source of his random predictions. I challenge every talking head identified as some form of “expert” (I use that term very loosely) on Nostradamus and The Prophecies to produce one valid prediction using the exact methods they claim Nostradamus used. Duplication of that accuracy would be supportive of such a claim.

The definition of “prophecy” is: “An inspired utterance of a prophet, viewed as a revelation of divine will.” Divine will is the will of God, which is perfection, as All-Knowing. Nostradamus, as a prophet, was directed to write by the will of God, to write exactly what God directed him to write. I would imagine that holding a bowl of water, with a hoodie over one’s head, would make it difficult to write down the divine will of God.

John Hogue stated that Nostradamus lived in fear, which is a lie. One who lives in fear never enters into places of danger, such as plague ravaged French towns were, where Nostradamus went to practice ‘medicine’.  Hogue based his claim on one quatrain that Nostradamus wrote to describe the Spirit of Prophecy that came into him as he would begin to “automatic write.” Anyone who has ever experienced the power of the Holy Spirit, thus feeling the presence of the Christ Mind, can know no fear of anything other than the fear of God. Everything other than God is an illusion, and visions of this world can cause no harm.  Nostradamus had no fear of persecution, but the Holy Spirit guided him to avoid torture and imprisonment, giving him a royal ally in Catherine de Medici (Queen to Henry II).

The narrator presented 21 Quatrains (out of 948), with zero references to the letters Nostradamus wrote, attached to The Prophecies, which preface that work and explain its themes. All logical presentations would be required to explain how the authors of this program supported their claims, citing “Nostradamus said this in his letter, (fill In here specific reference).”  They only make a disclaimer (repeated by John Hogue) that everything Nostradamus wrote is nebulous and open for translation debate.  That is like saying, “We can say anything we want because they can mean anything.”  Due to the limits of language, only meanings within those limits can be expected, which does not allow for anything.  Nostradamus explained some rules for reading his poems in his letters, but these talking heads cannot understand those rules.

In the quatrains presented, Nostradamus wrote “Et” three times – quatrains VIII-20, I-53, and VI-83. The word “Et” means “And.” Nostradamus wrote the word “Et” 90 times (in 88 quatrains), with ALL capitalized and beginning a line. At no time did he write “et” internal to a line, such that a translation would demand “and” as the English equivalent. While an ampersand is allowed to be read as an abbreviated form of “and” in normal English syntax, the poetry of Nostradamus does not follow normal syntax rules, those of French or English. Therefore, ALL translations of an ampersand to “and” are wrong, and missing the point of a significant mark. In the quatrains presented, there are 12 ampersands (in 10 quatrains). ALL mark the importance of that which follows that mark. Nostradamus placed 691 ampersands in the quatrains of The Prophecies, none of which is an abbreviation for “et.”

In all of the quatrains of The Prophecies, words that can translate as “great” number 480 (as “Grand, Grande, grand, grande, grands, grandes, Grandes, grandz, Grans, and grans”), which is by far the most numerous presentation of any word projecting a concept of “greatness.” Only articles (“le, la“) and the preposition “à” outnumber it. It cannot be read as an adjective, showing superfluity as a modifier to an attached word, because ALL words in The Prophecies must be able to stand alone and bear meaning, before leading that meaning to following words (or linking to other words in the quatrain). Each use of “great” is found (through repeated context and letter explanation) to show the advantages Christian nations have enjoyed, with the West in general being “Great,” as well as nations like “Great” Britain and the United States being implied. The future is about those who want to steal “wealth, power, and influence” (meaning of “grand“) from those who have had it too long (in their opinion). Thus, the word “grand” cannot be read as having the insignificance as does a word displayed on a hat worn by Donald Trump.

Nostradamus was Eurocentric, with his views in The Prophecies focused on what will happen in Europe, and in particular France. He did not know much of the New World, as he was not a seafaring explorer. He knew what God allowed him to see, such that the philosophy of what would come to that New World would become a major player in the future told of in The Prophecies. Still, the sad state of the United States 2016 presidential race is a reflection of a much grander failure, with it being ridiculous (or propaganda) to think Nostradamus was able to see Hillary Clinton and/or Donald Trump. Those politicians reflect upon a greater problem with Democracy as a philosophy of man. So, Nostradamus did not write any quatrains telling of two insignificant egotists.  To think “rigged” in a quatrain says Nostradamus predicted Donald Trump, then the same logic says Daniel Webster was a prophet by placing “rig” and “election” in his dictionary.  From a perspective of the 16th century, when only popes were “elected,” that makes it more likely to read quatrain VIII-20 in that light – plus the presence of the word “chapel” in line three adds support to a religious (Christian) context.

The program used the illogical premise that if Nostradamus has been right before, then he must be right many more times to come.  Again, what was deemed right was the opinion of the talking heads.  Victor Baines made it a point to constantly state that it was his opinion that he stated, as he knows nothing of the opinion of Nostradamus, the true author.  The quatrains they pointed to as proof of accuracy are wrong.


  1. Nostradamus did not write about Napoleon. Napoleon is an Antichrist according to the English, who have a history of hating the French and manufacturing false poems that they attribute to Nostradamus, smearing his name.  Napoleon was a hero to the French and left a legacy of law in the republic of France.

  2. Nostradamus did not predict the great fire of London. If London will catch fire, the truly great fire of London is still to come.  It occurred in 1666, not 666.  That sounds more like The Revelation‘s mark of the beast; but quatrain II-51 actually says “came three them six,” not “six six six.”  This is another liberty taken and not explained logically.

  3. Nostradamus did not predict the death of his king in a jousting match. No true prophet of God would be shown the death of one carrying the royal blood of Jesus in his DNA and then not warn Henry II, saving his life.  Besides, a “lion” is reference to a British royal, not a Frenchman.

  4. Nostradamus did not predict the rise of Hitler, by naming him as Hister. That is the ancient name for the Danube River, which flows through Eastern Europe.

  5. Nostradamus did prophesy the events of September 11, 2001. However, their example (only one of several telling of that day’s events) was shown to translate as stating, “The sky will burn at forty five degrees.”  Line one of quatrain VI-97 states, “Cinq & quarante degrés ciel bruslera,” where “Five & forty” does not translate as “forty five.”  “Five” is separately significant, while a separate statement is “forty degrees sky will burn.”  I have no idea what John Hogue was trying to say about the impression of airplanes in tall buildings as being “exactly as 45-degrees.”

  6. Quatrain VIII-23 has a main theme that says, “Lettres trouvees de la royne les coffres,” with Hillary Clinton not qualifying as a “queen.” This quatrain (in my opinion) acts as a prophecy telling of communications between Lady Diana Spencer (Princess Diana) and Queen Elizabeth, which exposed how Charles was not a good husband.  Line four’s statement of “will be the lover” is then in support of who wrote some unsigned letters.  Hillary Clinton’s lover would have to be female, as she obviously does not care for men.  The arrest of Diana’s butler, and the Queen’s dropping all charges against him (after a 3 hour talk) was because he returned to Diana’s bedroom to retrieve those letters, of which he was aware and knew could be damaging to the royal family.  It has nothing to do with e-mails, unless they were love letters.

  7. The quatrain said to foretell the rise of ISIS has been promoted by all the talking heads as being about Saddam Hussein. ISIS still does not have complete control of Mesopotamia; and there is more “Tyranny” in Syria than Iraq.

  8. The word found in quatrain I-57, ballyhooed as meaning “trumpet,” is actually “trombe” (not “trompe”), which meant (in 1611), “a child’s wooden casting top.” Still, modern application has it mean a “tornado,” which can cause “trembling.”  

  9. For as much as the propaganda of this show would love to plant the seed of Hillary Clinton as Super Woman, first woman president of America, Angela Merkel has already been filling that role as the Chancellor of Germany. She is a pantsuit wearer, just like Hillary Clinton.

  10. For Victor Baines to think of Hillary Clinton as a “blond” or a “flower,” “blond” and “delicate” do not paint a truthful picture of Hillary Clinton. Here is all the proof one needs: [Use your imagination!]

I hope your pig is now squeaky clean from all the hogwash. Whoever wins the American presidential election of 2016, you can rest assured that Nostradamus had nothing to do with predicting that outcome.

R. T. Tippett

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