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Hebrews 9:24-28 - Christ is alive again

Updated: Oct 7, 2021

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Christ did not enter a sanctuary made by human hands, a mere copy of the true one, but he entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf. Nor was it to offer himself again and again, as the high priest enters the Holy Place year after year with blood that is not his own; for then he would have had to suffer again and again since the foundation of the world. But as it is, he has appeared once for all at the end of the age to remove sin by the sacrifice of himself. And just as it is appointed for mortals to die once, and after that the judgment, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.


This is the Epistle selection that will be read aloud on the twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost [Proper 27], Year B, according to the lectionary for the Episcopal Church. It will follow one of two pairings of Old Testament and Psalm readings, either the Track 1 or Track 2 sets. Depending on which path an individual church is set on, Track 1 will offer a reading from Ruth, which includes: “So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. When they came together, Yahweh made her conceive, and she bore a son.” That is accompanied by Psalm 127, which sings: “Children are a heritage from Yahweh, and the fruit of the womb is a gift.” Track 2 will offer a reading from First Kings, where is written: “For thus says Yahweh elohe of Israel: The jar of meal will not be emptied and the jug of oil will not fail until the day that Yahweh sends rain on the earth.” Psalm 146 will then be sung, which includes: “Yahweh loves the righteous; Yahweh cares for the stranger; he sustains the orphan and widow, but frustrates the way of the wicked.” All will accompany the Gospel reading from Mark, where it is written: “[Jesus said of the scribes] They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.”

I wrote deeply about these five verses the last time it came up in the lectionary cycle (2018) and posted by observations on my website at that time. That commentary can be viewed by clicking on this link. I will not repeat that detail now today, as it makes it clear that these five verses have been poorly translated; so, the truth contained in what Paul actually wrote is hidden from view by translation.

This is now the sixth Sunday that readings have been scheduled to come from the Book of Hebrews. If one has followed these postings since then, then one will recall how I explained Jews do not consider themselves “Hebrews,” because Hebrew is a language, not the name of a peoples. I stated then that the insight came to me that Paul (being himself a Jew) would have known that. Instead of addressing his book to “Hebrews,” without stating his name as the author, it makes sense that he wrote letters in Hebrew, which were sent to his friends in Rome, who understood Hebrew and divine language (as Saints). It would then be from texts in Hebrew that someone else would translate the Hebrew into Greek, producing this work called “Hebrews.” Because that author of the Greek (divinely inspired) would translate the words in a style different from Paul’s use of Greek, questions would arise about who the true author was. This is an example of how translations modify what was originally stated; and, although all is divinely inspired, Yahweh hides His truth so only the true seekers will be fully enlightened by that truth.

In verse twenty-four the Greek word written is “ἁγία,” which transliterates to “hagia,” which is “inflection of ἅγιος (hágios), in the feminine." The word means: 1.) devoted to the gods; 2.) of things: sacred, holy; 3.) of people: holy, pious, pure; 4.) accursed.” This word in Greek would have been written in Hebrew as some form of “קָדוֹשׁ,” transliterated as “qadosh,” meaning: “sacred, holy, consecrated, saint.” The NRSV has translated this word as “sanctuary.” That is an opinion of a translator’s powers of interpretation, which means one can bow down and worship a translator as perfect and almighty; or, one can take what is offered by a translator and look beyond what that service provides – seeing that as a generality of something written.

To repeat, I wrote deeply about what Paul wrote, which translators transforming Greek into English cannot show. The translators are forced to produce paraphrases that meet their preconceptions of how these words should fit together in a meaningful way, when they are completely ignorant to the truth. They produce translations that follows the syntax of Greek, translated into English. That would work for a non-divinely inspired writing; but the rules followed by translators are not able to translate the language of Yahweh [speaking in tongues] according to the syntax of either Greek or English, because the words written originally follow a divine syntax, which is automatically rejected as one recognized by translators. In my 2018 analysis, I presented a more accurate presentation of what Paul wrote, if his Hebrew had been divinely translated into Greek by one inspired by Yahweh.

In this short reading selection from Hebrew 9, Paul wrote of “Christ,” twice. In verses twenty-four and twenty-eight, the word “Christos” is written, both times the capitalization elevates the word (which simply means “anointed”) to a divine level of "Anointment." While it is very easy to read the words of Paul and intuit his writing “Christ” as meaning Jesus - as if Jesus’ last name was “Christ” - the reality is seen in the story of David’s “Anointment.” There, David was "anointed" by the hands of Samuel, when he oil poured over his head [“mashach”]. That was his anointment to become king (or judge) of Israel. At the same time Yahweh poured out His Spirit on David’s soul [“Mashach”]. That "Anointment" gave young David the powers of Yahweh at his disposal, because young David fully submitted his soul to Yahweh in divine marriage. This is the pure meaning of what Paul wrote in Hebrews 9. Yahweh pours out His Spirit on ALL He chooses to “Anoint,” or make a “Christ.”

When that is realized, then the “sanctuary” or those who are made “sacred” by Yahweh, have been made “sacred ones” by the hand of Yahweh, not human priests. David was anointed by human hands, when Samuel poured physical oil on his head. In the same way, all priests of church organizations are physically ordained to serve that church organization. Only when one's soul is "Anointed" by Yahweh is one truly "sacred" or "set apart as holy by God." Those then become divine “reproductions” or “copies” of Jesus, because his soul only resurrects within the individual souls of those married spiritually to Yahweh. That soul of Jesus is the “genuine” presence of Jesus reborn into one who is also deemed a “Christ” by Yahweh. This presence within a wife of Yahweh – a servant fully in submission to His Will, through total love – makes that soul “heavenly” [from "ouranon"], as where both Yahweh and Jesus abide.

When one, such as Paul and all other Apostles and Saints, have this heavenly presence “appear” in “themselves” [where a “self” equates to a “soul”], they become the hands of “God” (“Theos”) on earth. They become Jesus reborn in different flesh, as the same soul resurrected over and over again. In the name of Jesus means being in the name of Yahweh, as the name "Jesus" means "Yah[weh] Saves." This is the truth of “Christianity,” such that ALL are reborn as Jesus, ALL equally a "Christ." The soul of Jesus is then merged with the souls and bodies of each who has sacrificed self, in submission to Yahweh; so, one’s physical “blood” then becomes the “blood of Jesus,” just as it becomes the “blood of a Christ.”

When it is known that all human beings are mortal, thereby known to die once, Paul was stating a fact of human life. Because Jesus was a soul placed by Yahweh into human flesh (born of a woman in Bethlehem), that flesh was known to only “die once,” at which time the soul of Jesus would be released, in the same way all souls are released at death. Souls not saved via marriage to Yahweh will return through reincarnation … after those souls have a chat with Yahweh. Because the soul of Jesus is pure, it serve Yahweh (as His right hand el), to be used by Yahweh to send into all others He deems a Christ. Because those bodies of flesh will likewise only die once, they must figuratively “die once” of their selves [soul sacrifice in marriage] so the remainder of their mortal life will be led by the soul of Jesus, righteously as a Saint. That transformation is the only way a host soul can receive judgment by Yahweh as saved, prior to physical death and the release of that soul. Being in the name of Jesus means “Yah Will Save.” That is then the promise of salvation.

This is what Paul wrote in these five verses. Each and every soul in mortal flesh must marry Yahweh out of love. Then, from that relationship of love, the Son of Yahweh will be reborn into each and every wife of Yahweh [men and women they are made]. That is the only way to gain the salvation of a soul. That means serving the remainder of one's life as a servant to Yahweh [meaning true 'popes' never retire before death]. The work of ministry is decided by Yahweh, meaning the servant has no rights to refuse assignment or argue against difficult work. Love means gladly doing all that Yahweh has one do, out of deep spiritual love of Yahweh.

The specifics of this comes from analyzing each word written by Paul (or whoever translated his Hebrew into Greek). That is the point of my 2018 posting. It is important to see this truth, as it is repeated many times over in the Epistles, by all authors, all divinely inspired to write in the language of Yahweh. From seeing this meaning, I will now apply that to the other reading selections for this Sunday.

In the reading from Ruth, one needs to place focus on it reporting, “Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. When they came together, Yahweh made her conceive, and she bore a son.” This becomes a reflection of what Paul wrote, where the “Christ” becomes a creation of Yahweh. It is two coming together in marriage. It is producing a son that is most holy. When Boaz is seen as symbolic of Yahweh, with Ruth a willing subject to that union, then the son born (at the hand of Yahweh, not human hands) is the rebirth of Jesus. Paul is saying the same thing on a spiritual level of understanding.

When one reads the First Kings reading, focus needs to be placed on how “the jar of meal was not emptied, neither did the jug of oil fail.” This is the miracle of divine creation of spiritual food. The jar and the jug are the two who contain Yahweh’s Spirit – the soul married to Yahweh (the jar of flour) and the Son reborn (the jug of oil). The oil reflects the Anointment that is the Spirit of Yahweh, which is poured over the flour to make the bread of life. The fact that it never emptied says the eternal life Paul wrote of bring the same promise of salvation.

As far as the Gospel reading is concerned, when the widow woman theme is repeated here, one needs to look at how Jesus said, “This poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” All she has to live on is Yahweh within her soul. She is a widow to the mortal world, but her soul lives eternally, through the Spirit of marriage to Yahweh. The number two is also repeated, which are like the jar and the jug, like Boaz and Ruth. The two are her soul with Yahweh. It is the hand of Yahweh that will always refill her hand with two copper coins to give all she has to live on, for as long as her mortal flesh stays alive.

As a reading to be read aloud on the twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost, when one’s own personal ministry for Yahweh should already be well underway, the lesson here is to marry one’s soul to Yahweh and give birth to His Son. One must be a Christ, which is not a statement of last name, but a statement that Yahweh’s Spirit has been poured out upon one’s soul, granting it redemption from sins and eternal life beyond death of the flesh (which occurs only one time). The rebirth of Jesus within one Anointed by Yahweh makes one walk the face of the earth as Jesus resurrected in the flesh. The flesh and blood are yours; but they have been submitted to Yahweh, so His hand has worked you to become His Son alive in ministry again. The reason for that is to save others. It is not to make you think you are the greatest thing that ever happened in the world.

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