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Homily for the fifth Sunday after the Epiphany (Year C) – Here I am; Send me!

Bus Stop Bob

Updated: Jan 2, 2022

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Good morning bus riders!

We have reached the fifth Sunday after the Epiphany! I trust everyone received the email with the link to the lectionary page; and, I hope everyone did their homework and read the four selections for today.

This week was somewhat of an epiphany for me, in the sense that I realized I had never before written about the Gospel selection from Luke that is read today. I did some checking; and, the three years that I wrote of everything to be read aloud in Episcopal churches – June 2013 to June 2016 - the year 2016 (Year C) schedule only had the after the Epiphany period have five Sundays. Rather than have a fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, it went from fourth to last; and, the last Sunday after the Epiphany is not the same as the fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, like we have today.

So, the variation in the after the Epiphany 'season' means some readings will only show up in the 'long Epiphany' years. The lesson there is, “You live; you learn.”

Learning is always good.

So, with that said, let’s begin the lessons for today!

The theme that I found running through the four selections for today deals with commitment.

That came to me in hindsight; as, the thing that made that appear to me – remember the word “epiphany” means “appearance” – came from deeply pondering the Luke reading (which is only read this Sunday in Year C).

That dawning made me recall my days in “Change Management” consulting, where failing companies seek outside help to come in and assess their operations, to pay them to make recommendations that can ‘right the ship’ and return a company to profitability.

No matter what the business, consultants go in knowing the same problems always exist. Workers either have no one teaching them how to work productively – so they do poor work that is costly – or they have a training system in place, but no one following-up, to make sure the job methods are followed by the workers. So, the result is they do poor work that is costly.

The bad name such "change" consultants get is “head hunters.” That name is because any company bringing in such outside help is immediately seen as a threat to the jobs of many. The simple answer to a company not making money is thought to mean, “Fire a significant portion of your work force, so you cut out a lot of the costs.”

That is justified in cases where the company saw the solution to low productivity was hiring more workers, with that only compounding the problems facing a company.

Regardless of the need or lack thereof to 'cut heads,' it is that bad rap making the presence of consultants in a work place automatically face stiff resistance.

Resistance is actually why workers do poor work. They either resist telling the company how to a job can be done better; or, they resist the training methods and those following-up, preferring to work poorly.

Long story short: The key to a company turning around poor performance and returning profitability is getting a commitment by the workers.

Whipping slaves elicits poor performance and bad attitudes. However, making the slaves be part of the family, where their input becomes meaningful, means a more profitable company. That means job security and promotion possibilities.

The task of all change management consulting is to get the company to become whole; and, that means seeing the problem as resistance, through forced compliance. The answer is then addressing a need to bring about a sense of union or marriage, where all are committed to serve a greater "one," with ownership shared by all.

I never worked as a marriage counselor; but I can see how the same problem identification, solution implementations can be similar.

Reaching a state of ownership, through commitment, is the theme I saw connecting these readings today.

An example of that can be seen in the reading selection from Isaiah 6. This reading should sound familiar, because verses 1 – 8 were the Old Testament selection on Trinity Sunday Year B, last read on May 30th. Today is the second of two opportunities to read this reading in a three-year cycle; but today there is the option to read verses 9 – 13.

Compliance is only reading that forced to read. Ownership and commitment come from seeing the only “option” is read everything presented.

That is why I stand here talking about all the readings, not just the bare minimum. You should realize no one is forcing you to do homework and read these selections yourself, before coming to catch the bus. Going the extra mile … willingly and lovingly … is what makes a marriage work.

Commitment is what makes all those ‘optional brackets’ disappear.

Now, if you recall when this reading was last presented, I took a hard stance against the seraphim, which I saw as being many demon spirits that had overtaken the throne of Israel – the Northern Kingdom. I did not see seraphim as the glorified ‘highest angels’ that hover around Yahweh’s heavenly throne, which is accepted by Christian theology

… even though this reading is the only place that opinion comes from, with all other Biblical references to seraphim showing them as monsters, fiery sea dragons, and bad entities.

Do some homework that looks up seraphim, because I won’t repeat that today.

What I want to focus on now is Isaiah seeing these seraphim and hearing them sing [literally]:

“holy holy holy Yahweh of hosts ; full all the earth his glory”.

In that, Isaiah wrote “Yahweh,” not “Lord.” That is my literal translation of the Hebrew, which differs from that shown in the lectionary reading.

Raise your hand if you are Catholic or Episcopalian and recognize those words as being the Sanctus, which is similarly read-sung in every service.

<Look for raised hands.>

Well, instead of looking at the demonic state of seraphim, I looked at how all of them were singing a profession of devotion to Yahweh … even those fallen angels, led by Satan [Azazel, Lucifer, the Devil, whatever].

By singing “holy” … which also means “sacred” … three times … that is symbolism needing to be realized. The angels were singing of a Trinity.

Think for a moment about when this reading was last chosen to be read. It was on Trinity Sunday … last May.

Okay, Christians [of the Catholic variety] know the Trinity as: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

To Christians that is “holy, holy, and holy.”

Well, the angels were singing of the Trinity that is “the host of Yahweh” – which is themselves.

That means demonic angels were together with divine angels, which was what Isaiah witnessed surrounding the throne vacated by the death of Uzziah. For them all to sing "holy holy holy Yahweh of hosts," Isaiah saw those who are the multiple [3] “hosts” of angels all serving Yahweh totally and completely.

One "host" was divine. One "host" was fallen.

Still, they were all "hosts" [a plural number] committed to Yahweh.

However, that is only two of the three. That means the third “holy” is the Yahweh elohim, who are divine angels merged with human souls in flesh. Isaiah was there representing that "host" of Yahweh.

When that third part of the “holy holy holy” is seen, then that Trinity becomes all ["hosts" in the plural number] who make “full all the earth his glory.”

The Trinity only works within the realm of the earth, when mankind exists. Without mankind, there is no division between the angels, who all are totally committed to serving Yahweh.

Raise your hand if that is confusing to you.

<Look for raised hands.>

Well, you’re not alone. It confused Isaiah too, as he suddenly found his human self witnessing a celestial gathering. He felt unworthy in that gathering; so, he cried out:

“Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean

lips; yet my eyes have seen the King, Yahweh of hosts!”

That was Isaiah being resistant.

Think about that for a moment.

Isaiah saw himself as a sinner amid a sea – a host – of all that makes heaven and earth – the spiritual and the physical. He witnessed all that was [is] full of Yahweh’s glory.

He was crying out, “I am an unproductive worker and I cannot be forced into a place that expects perfection!”

Can you see that?

<Look for shocked faces.>

What happened next?

One of the seraphim flew over to Isaiah with a hot coal taken from the altar fire and touched Isaiah’s mouth and lips with it.

If the seraphim touched physical flesh with a hot coal that would have been torturous; but Isaiah was there as a soul … in his divine self elevated by Yahweh's Spirit.

This past week is when I saw the seraphim in a dual nature – the “holy holy” part. All of them worship Yahweh devoutly. The fallen seraphim just refuse to help mankind; and, for that refusal they have been cast into the earth. That means they can only exist in the realm of mankind. The material realm is where they will play a role for Yahweh that tests the mettle of souls in human flesh.

When Jesus promised to send his disciples an "Advocate," think of the fallen angels as being "Devil's advocates." They seek souls willing to be demonically possessed, thus led away from Yahweh.

The seraphim that flew over to Isaiah was the equivalent of Jesus, in the sense that Isaiah was able to witness this holy gathering because his soul had been married to Yahweh and the elohim of His Son had been resurrected in that flesh, with Isaiah’s soul.

When a seraphim touched his mouth, Isaiah was able to speak as one “holy," one of the third "Yahweh host" … a Yahweh elohim.

Then the test came:

“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”

With his mouth and lip divinely opened, his soul having sacrificed self upon the altar, Isaiah said, “Here am I; send me!”

That reflects the epiphany of commitment. He volunteered his service. He was no longer an outsider being forced to do the will of the gods. He was one with them, an equal, a partner.

Can you see that commitment?

<Look for smiling faces and nodding heads.>

Then, in the verses that can only be read during the fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, we hear Isaiah asking the question, “How long, Yahweh?”

The answer was:

“Until cities lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without people, and the land is

utterly desolate; until Yahweh sends everyone far away, and vast is the emptiness in the

midst of the land.”

Now, the history of the Northern Kingdom is it collapsed in ruin to the Assyrians; and, all the people were scattered and lost. That history does nothing to change the always that is relative to this answer to the question, "How long, Yahweh?"

When a soul has married to Yahweh, given birth to His Son Jesus [Christmas Day] and been sent out into intern ministry, in the after the Epiphany time period, that is the beginning of forevermore.

When do eternal souls get laid to waste, become desolated and empty? They don't. Therefore, a Saint - a Yahweh elohim - is merged with the company. The 'business' of Yahweh's fullness on the earth is saving souls; so, as long as souls are lost on earth, the work of angels will continue.

As for an internship, it is natural and normal to ask the boss, “When do I go back and finish school?”

The answer that still applies today is this: Once a member of the “holy holy holy of Yahweh” ‘club,’ ministry never ends. As long as there is still a lost soul seeking to be found, then you will be sent to save it … as Jesus reborn.

Seeing that in that light, look now at how David felt.

Knowing David’s soul was like Isaiah's, an employee with partial ownership, fully committed to the Yahweh elohim business of saving souls, David wrote Psalm 138.

Adjusting the English translation so it shows the truth of that written, David began this song of praise by singing:

“I will give thanks to you, Yahweh, with my whole heart; before elohim I will sing your


Whenever David sang about “heart,” he sang about love. A “whole heart” means total commitment in divine marriage to Yahweh. Through that complete submission of self (out of love), David was rewarded with the ownership that made his soul a Yahweh elohim … an angel resurrected within his soul – Jesus – making David one of a “host” of Jesuses reborn into the land of the Israelites.

The name "Jesus" means "Yah[weh] Saves."

Now, in the next two verses presented by the Episcopal Church, the word “Name” is capitalized. There are no capital letters in Hebrew; and, the NRSV does not capitalize those words in translation. This means the Church wants to point out there is a divine association with a “name” being made by David.

That then denotes the concept of marriage, as "holy matrimony," because a wife takes on the “name” of her husband. In that way, the wife announces she has become the possession of her husband.

David singing about this “name” says his soul took delight in the commitment and ownership that was brought on by his “holy” relationship with Yahweh. David's soul married Yahweh's Spirit; so, he sang:

“I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast

love and your faithfulness; for you have exalted your name and your word above


On a mundane ‘worker’s’ confession, in submission to his place of employment, that says, “I have read your procedural manual and it makes sense to me; so, I fully submit to following those procedures and being the best worker you have, although I know you have many other workers like me.”

Of course, that is the ideal, which rarely is the reality of a work environment.

That is why David then sang about how he recognizes not everyone is as committed; singing:

“Though Yahweh be high, he cares for the lowly; he perceives the haughty from afar.”

Yahweh is the owner of this business of saving souls; so, He is “high.” David, like Isaiah, was just a “lowly” child when his soul received the Anointment of Yahweh. Still, not everyone is as committed to Yahweh and His business.

The Northern Kingdom needed Isaiah to work alongside all kinds of slackers, who refused to follow the manual – the Torah, the Psalms, and the Prophets. They ran that franchise out of business. All those employees cut their own heads off; so, they became slaves for the Assyrians.

David had a strong franchise when he was king; but he still had to deal with those who were trying to cause problems and test just how committed the workers were. Dealing with Saul running the business, when Samuel got old and died, made the franchise start to be less profitable.

When David wrote, “you stretch forth your hand against the fury of my enemies; your right hand shall save me,” we each need to ask, “Who are my enemies?”

In this regard, there was a cartoon strip called Pogo, years ago, which depicted swamp creatures with human-like qualities. The lead character, Pogo, was a possum. The most famous Pogo that I can remember was when Pogo summarized a problematic swamp situation by saying, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

We are always our own worst enemy.

When this is applied to the business of saving souls, where all the employees of Yahweh are supposed to be His divine wives, in His “Name,” having given birth to His Son, we are the only one’s responsible for getting the ‘wandering eye." That is when one starts looking around and seeing others working for the same company doing nothing, certainly not as much as oneself. That then acts as an influence on oneself, making one decide to do less work … or even stop working altogether.

“How long, Yahweh?” then becomes a question asked by those idiots who can’t realize the work of saving souls means everyone gets the same pay. There is nothing gained by doing less or nothing at all. There is no union or collective bargaining agreement for the "holy holy holy Yahweh of hosts."

When you start to think, “Jesus died for all our sins,” then you begins to think, “What do I have to worry about? I’m already saved.”

That is being “haughty from afar” and it makes you “walk in the midst of trouble.”

Just like the Northern Kingdom was run out of business because of the enemies within being what allowed the enemies from outside to come in and rummage through the ‘going out of business sale’ leftovers, so too is Christianity in dire straits today.

There is a great lack of commitment in the business of Christianity; and, the enemies destroying it “are us.”

This can be seen in the translation provided us in the First Corinthians reading selection.

Right off the bat it says, “I would remind you, brothers and sisters, of the good news that I proclaimed to you.”

Paul did not write that. That is a translation service changing Holy text to suit political needs.

Paul wrote “adelphoi,” which clearly says “brothers.” This has been amended so it adds “and sisters,” with that done solely because of the politics of religion these days, saying, “We have driven away so many male believers, we better make the women feel welcomed by having Paul write to them too.”

In my commentary that I posted about this selection, I went off on this excess. Rather than get into all that now – the bus schedule won’t allow for it – I recommend you each read those views. Just know this: Paul wrote “brothers” for a very specific purpose; and, adding “and sisters” completely destroys that purpose.

It is vital to know what that purpose is. It is like a company going to the time and effort to create job descriptions for every job in a business, so every employee can be told, “Read this. It tells you what you need to do.” With that work done, to then be given something to read and someone has penciled in erroneous information that makes a job be done wrong … what good comes from that?

Being “brothers” ties in to how Paul wrote that “Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures.”

Raise your hand if you have ever stood in a congregation and recited the Nicene Creed.

<Look for raised hands.”

In that is professed beliefs.

Among those beliefs is this: We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ.

In the beliefs stated that are relative to Jesus Christ, one says, “he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures.”

Paul wrote that. Can you see that?

<Look for nodding heads.>

Now, the word Paul wrote that is translated as “died” is “apethanen,” which is the third-person singular past tense of “apothnéskó." That word certainly can say, “he has died.”

This past week I looked closer at that Greek word, because Paul did not write “Jesus died.” He wrote “Christos apethanen,” saying "Christ has died;" and, “Christ” is not the last name of Jesus. "Christ" means the "Anointment" by Yahweh.

So, I asked, “How can an Anointment die?”

Then I found this written about “apothnéskó: [It means] “properly, die off (away from), focusing on the separation that goes with the "dying off (away from).”

In other words, Paul was divinely writing that the "Anointment" of Jesus’ flesh would separate from his flesh; and, it was that separation of the “Christ” from Jesus – two separate capitalized words – that made it possible for the flesh of Jesus to die.

That says it was [and has been ever since] the “Christ” – not Jesus so much – that Paul wrote “appeared” afterwards.

Pause for one moment and realize that “the Epiphany” means “the Appearance.”

Can you see how Paul wrote of "the Epiphany" that many people experienced, including himself?

<Look for nodding heads.>

Good. Well, in this reading selection, Paul wrote that "the separated Christ" … from Jesus having died … “appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.” Then he added “it appeared to more than five hundred brothers at once.”

Stop right here and realize that we here now are all souls in bodies of flesh. Simply by being in physical matter, we are of feminine essence … brides of Yahweh to be … mothers of Jesus to be. Thus, WE sit and stand here as “sisters” … even though we have male and female bodies of flesh.

That means adding “and sisters” to the divine elevation of a soul, so all will be Jesus reborn – souls occupying both male and female bodies of flesh – diminishes what Paul wrote to meaningless drool.

Okay, rant over. Let’s continue.

Paul then added how Christ “appeared to James , then to all the apostles.”

Ask yourself, “If Jesus appeared to the twelve, to five hundred brothers, then to James AND THEN to all the apostles, then who were those last apostles?”

Do you know the answer to that question?

<Look at astonished faces.>

When Paul then said, “then it appeared to me,” adding “I am the least of the apostles,” the Greek word “apostlois” means “messengers, envoys, those commissioned by another to represent him in some way.” This means "all others" in the classification of the third "holy Yahweh of hosts" are those whose mouths and lips have been purified by the coal from the altar of marriage, leading one to volunteer to be a messenger of Yahweh.

"Here I am! Send me" with the message. My ability to speak the Word has been divinely approved.

Therefore, Paul was like Isaiah, who suddenly was able to see all the “holy holy holy of Yahweh seraphim.”

Just like Isaiah cried out, “Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips,” Saul was one of those slackers doing poor work in Yahweh’s business of saving souls.

Cephas, the twelve … even the five hundred devoted pilgrims in Jerusalem … even James … they were seekers of truth, wanting to do the job right. They read the job descriptions and tried to do what the words said to do. They had just never had anyone demonstrate what the words meant, so the job description made perfect sense.

Saul, on the other hand, was like a shop steward who went from station to station telling employees, “You do not have to do anything you don’t want to do. You have rights as a Jew (or Christian), simply by being a hired hand. Let me know who says you should do perfect work and we'll have him or her beaten after work.”

It was a miracle that Paul had Jesus come to him, so he too could be Anointed by the Father.

When Paul said he was the least, that was him explaining why he changed his name so it said “Small.” He gave up his old name when his soul married Yahweh and his soul became one with Jesus, his soul likewise Anointed as a Christ.

Paul then wrote to the true Christians of Corinth, saying: “I worked harder than any of them--though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.”

That says Paul became a model employee in the business of saving souls. His extra effort was due to a newfound commitment. When the “grace of God” was in him, Paul had ownership in that business.

That leads me to the Gospel reading from Luke.

I honestly cannot say that I had ever pondered this reading selection before. Quite probably, I read it and thought little more about it than seeing how it tells of Jesus rounding up Peter, James and John of Zebedee as his disciples.

I know I had never before written my observations about this reading.

When I first read it, I saw a striking comparison to John’s dream, which comes in the last chapter of his Gospel. There, a similar story is found, with Jesus telling Peter and the disciples where to cast their nets; and, then a catch that was too great to reel in comes, leading Peter to jump out of the boat, recognizing the old man on the shore as Jesus. That story comes right before John told of Jesus questioning the love of Peter for him.

Because this story is in Luke, much earlier in the timeline of Jesus, I read this as an account told by Mother Mary, who must have been there with Jesus when this happened.

Things began to click when I read Peter [who is only referred to as Simon] replying to Jesus’ suggestion to cast out his nets, saying, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.”

In the Greek of that text, the word translated as “Master” is capitalized. Capitalization means one should look for a divinely elevated meaning, which is greater than the mundane.

The Greek word written by Luke is “Epistata,” which is the vocative masculine singular form of “epistates,” implying “master, teacher, chief, commander.” The truth of that word defines it as a “superintendent or overseer.”

When the capitalization adds a higher level to that meaning, the business of Yahweh needs to be seen, with Jesus the "Commander" over Simon [not yet told he would be called Rocky].

When I saw that meaning, I saw the relationship between Jesus and Peter [and James and John of Zebedee] in a new light. Here was Jesus attracting a crowd at a wharf that was probably in the town south of Capernaum, which was Gennesaret. Mary would have gone there with Jesus because Mary and Jesus had invested some of the inheritance from Joseph's death, in the business purchase of two fishing boats. Those two boats would then demand hired hands to man them.

In the scene that is set up, a crowd has followed Jesus there to hear him speak; even though Jesus was not there as a public speaker. Mary and Jesus had arrived in the morning hours, after the two boats and their crews had worked all night long, with no fish to show for their efforts. The hired hands were cleaning their equipment and preparing to lock everything down at the end of their shift.

Because Peter explained they had caught no fish, the business was losing profitability.

The hired hands were busy cleaning up their nets and preparing to go home; but because the crowd was closing in on Jesus, he asked Simon [not yet Peter] to let him on his boat and then take it a little off the shoreline, so he could address the crowd without the crowd keeping the boatmen from doing their work. That worked out well; so, when the crowd dispersed, Jesus told Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”

This is where you need to see Jesus like a change management consultant, who suddenly shows up with all the answers. The response by Simon is oozing with resistance, telling Jesus [indirectly] that he knows nothing about the fishing business. Simon calling Jesus “Commander,” when this story is Mary's view of Jesus calling his first disciples, says the capitalization speaks as an insult, rather than a compliment. In naval terms, Simon addressed this new owner Jesus as “Admiral,” the one in charge of the fleet [two boats].

That has to be seen like Simon had little respect for Jesus, whatsoever, simply by overstating Jesus’ position, with no prior working relationship projected into this story.

The word “epistates” can now be seen defined as this [as stated by HELPS Word-studies]: “properly, the legal standing of ownership referring to the master-in-charge, i.e. the one fully authorized (aptly acknowledged as the leader).”

That says Simon addressed Jesus as the owner [absentee as he had been prior], so he knew Jesus was calling the shots – the boss man – but Simon was the one who knew fishing AND they had just fished all night long with no catch to speak of. Add to that the time of day, when the fishermen were stowing away gear, that says they knew that time of day offered very low chances of success. Simon and the others knew this … but this Jesus fellow … they resisted accepting that he had any clue what he was talking about.

Then, Simon complied with the perceived order from Jesus. In essence, he said, “Aye Aye, Captain.”

What confused me about this reading, before I saw the truth of this one word, was Simon falling down before Jesus and proclaiming himself to be a sinner. I wondered, "Where did that confession come from?"

The confession came from Simon having complied with the orders of Jesus – moving the boat so he could speak, then loading the nets back on the boat and taking it into deep water – when under his breath or in his mind he was cursing Jesus. That made "Master" smack of ridicule.

I saw Simon treating Jesus exactly like I saw resistant employees treat me as a consultant … they acted nice to my face, while secretly they wanting to find a way to slit my tires.

What Simon said to Jesus was a confession of his inner sins.

Raise your hands if you ever recited the confession of sins, as found in the Holy Eucharist, Rite 2, which says:

“Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and

deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone.”

“We have not loved you with our whole heart”

<Look for raised hands.>

Do you recall David’s first verse in Psalm 138 singing, “I will give thanks to you, Yahweh, with my whole heart; before elohim I will sing your praise”?

<Look for nodding heads.>

When Jesus then told Simon, “Do not be afraid,” that was a command that says take ownership. Simon was expected to stop letting his fears of being successful make the business fail and lose profitability.” Simon needed to trust in Jesus and see him as a partner who wanted the best for all parties in the business.

That included Simon’s partners, James and John of Zebedee. It included Mary and Jesus' other brothers. Most likely, everyone was related by blood, in some way.

Then Jesus said to Simon, “from now on you will be catching people.”

That needs to be seen as a promotion. The business of fishing would be overseen by Mary and Jesus’ other brothers. Thus, in Mark's Gospel about this event, he wrote “Without delay [Simon] called them, and [James and John] left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.”

As for the Son running the Father’s business of saving souls on earth, Jesus began training new hires that day.

The bus is soon to arrive, so I will wrap things up now. The point of commitment means you have to be all-in, completely trusting Jesus, totally in love with Yahweh and married to His Spirit.

The aspect that is an epiphany from the Isaiah reading is there are demon spirits ready, willing, and able to snatch a soul and enslave it to a losing way of life. Demonic possession will disenfranchise a soul in a heartbeat. There are guardian angels that keep an eye on us and help rescue us, warning us about traps set and pits ahead. They watch over mankind like Yahweh told them to do.

The only way our souls can get out of the reincarnation rut is through Jesus being one with our souls; and, that means marrying one’s soul to Yahweh.

There is no compliant way to heaven. Yahweh is not going to give you a step-by-step way to be saved; but it is not as simple as doing nothing more than believe Jesus died for your sins.

You have to read the job description that is what we read four parts of today. You have to see that written as not being Yahweh forcing His Will upon you, making you an abused slave.

You have to love Yahweh. You have to love being told where to go, what to say, and what to do, because you have no fear that Yahweh – through His Son reborn within you – will ever say, “Cast your nets in the deep end, so I can watch your boats sink.”

Faith is ownership. Faith is a marriage and a partnership.

Until next Sunday, I wish you all the best. Take care of your souls.


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