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Homily for the fourth Sunday after Pentecost - Pumped from a Church like Corinth

Updated: May 24, 2021

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Good morning bus riders!

This is now the fourth Sunday after Pentecost, which means those reborn as Jesus Christ were ordained by Yahweh and sent into the world to be priests in His name nearly a month ago.

Today there is more Scriptural reading material to choose from than normal. During the Ordinary season after Pentecost it becomes normal to have a track one and a track two option. Each is an Old Testament reading selection paired with a Psalm or other song. Today, however, there is a third optional set, such that I see the two offerings that each present something about David and Saul as track one a and b. The Job option is then track two.

Still, today is it, as far both of the track one readings, with the reading from Job having a ‘second chance’ to be chosen for reading later this year. Today is also the only time two of the Psalms will have a chance for open recital, although Psalm 133 was read just this past Easter season and will have another exposure to public viewing in Year A.

But here at the bus stop all choices get some ‘air time,’ because we don’t waste time reading anything aloud. That’s why you all have smart phones and receive the email that has a link to the lectionary readings. So, having read them all during the past week, here I am to offer some insight.

As I read each reading selection listed by the Episcopal lectionary each week, I write about the meaning that appears to me. I post those commentaries on my website, which all of you see listed on each email you receive from me. I invite everyone to read them, share the website with friends and openly or privately discuss any questions or comments that might come up with me.

While I am not in any way affiliated with the Episcopal Church when I come here, I do see their lectionary – which is very similar to other churches in the universal catholic church format – as led by divinely inspired leaders, some time ago. When I was a member of the Episcopal Church, I found few who were so likewise inspired by Yahweh; so, I left that organization.

I have other experiences with non-catholic denominations, and I have found those leaders as organized as tumbleweeds, who have no anchors or guide rails to follow, as not following a systematic approach to going through the books of the Holy Bible and explaining the meaning. That hit and miss system makes it very difficult to learn much from, as a pewple.

The Judaic system is the right approach; but they do not read from any scrolls written in Greek. They do not give Jesus or his Apostles and time for explaining or discussing. So, I have found the Episcopal lectionary to be a wonderfully well thought out way to go through the Holy Bible, in a three-year cycle; with the only problem being the optional readings that might get lost in the shuffle.

That is why I feel it is necessary to read them all and bring all into the homily, with that open for discussion at another time. All discussion is welcomed by myself and Yahweh.

I mention all this today because a central theme in all the readings is individual ministry. It is individual ministry that the Episcopal lectionary sets up over each year, on three levels of years, to take an individual soul from marriage to Yahweh, to the pregnancy that comes from that marriage, to that pregnancy leading to the birth of Jesus’ spirit within one’s being – soul/body – to the preparation of that resurrection in new flesh for ministry; and, after Pentecost is the release of a new Jesus, as a most holy priest, sent into the world to save other souls.

For all the good the Episcopal lectionary offers [and others like it], the abject failure comes from the organization that is the church, where all are designed to revolve around one or a select few priests, depending on the size of the church and the number of paying customers routinely expected each Sunday. Regardless, all are employees that are dedicated to a hierarchy that leads upward – not to heaven – but to a presiding bishop, or pope. That concept presents the head of the beast much like Moses on the mountain top; and, all those beholding to that ‘high priest’ become the parts of the beast moved by that head.

The problem is that system is designed to corrupt. That corruption first began way back when the elders of the Israelites went to Samuel and demanded to have a head wag them, rather than all be priests ordained by Yahweh. Rather than one body of flesh, one soul, and one Spirit of Yahweh making a Holy Trinity, a Church likes to be a body, with all the working parts under it separate souls, so there is no collective soul. With no collective soul, a Church has no Spirit of Yahweh married to it.

That is the reason that system divided and fell, twice. A false likeness was resurrected by the returning exiles from Babylon; but that was so corrupt Yahweh sent His Son to show the believers everything needs to return to the original format, where Yahweh is the king of every human body of flesh, which can be metaphorically be seen as a kingdom. Those can be married to Yahweh AND be possessed by a Spirit of Yahweh, returning the Trinity to life!

All this means an individual priest who becomes divinely enlightened to that need – to individually see the truth and then spread that message around – will expect the Church to commence plans to destroy that individual.

Certainly, you can see that a Church that does not teach their assemblies to graduate into ministry [without a need for seminary school or employment by a church organization] is then little more than a slave master. The sheep are kept for sacrifice for their own enjoyment, because Yahweh no longer enjoys such animal sacrifice.

In this realization, the Church [in all varieties that exist today] becomes an enemy.

When Jesus said to love your enemies, the only way to love an entity that hates you is to leave the enemy and let it hate you alone.

A thought occurred to me the other day, which was this: The demands made on Samuel by the Israelite elders becomes a microcosm of this natural rejection of a Church to a true priest.

Every reading possible today [there are eight] is one example after another of this ‘us vs. them’ warfare. Everything is a modified repetition of Cain vs. Abel, as ‘brother against brother’ all over again. The macrocosm is the religion vs. the priest of Yahweh.

The greater macrocosm is good vs. evil; and, that takes us back to the two trees in the center of the garden.

The tree of life is all who serve Yahweh. They earn eternal life with Yahweh.

The tree of good and evil is all who serve self. They deny eternal life because they see themselves as gods.

Before I dive into the metaphor of the Mark reading, about a storm coming up on the sea, which is a perfect way of restating David’s Psalm 107 partial reading, let me go over the metaphor of both First Samuel offerings.

First, we read selected verses that tell of the confrontation of David and Goliath. Goliath was a giant. Goliath was the champion of a people whose gods were those of the world’s misguided souls. Goliath was a figure head of the enemy of Mosaic Law, where the Philistines are metaphor for all philosophies that seek to excuse all that is evil in the world.

Goliath called out to the Israelites, in essence saying, “Why spill more blood than necessary? Send out your champion to fight me, one-on-one, and to the winner goes the spoils. The losing team becomes the willing slaves of the winning team; so, only one need die for all.”

It is easy to see how David killing Goliath was because little ten-year old David was filled with the Spirit of Yahweh. No matter how gigantic Goliath was, Yahweh is much greater.

What isn’t so easy to see is all the trembling Israelites, even Saul their chosen king. Hearing the challenge made by Goliath and every one of them being totally afraid to face their enemy. They all feared because none of them was filled with the tree of life. They had all eaten the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil; so, every one of them knew they were not good, so whoever was crazy enough to fight a giant was sure to die and the rest would be slaves.

That fear in all the Israelite army, including Saul, becomes a reflection of all Churches that say, “We believe in the One God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.” The Churches pee themselves when Goliath comes out in the battlefield as Socialism, radicalism, atheism, Black Lives Matter, homosexuality, voter rights … on and on and on.

As a collective entity … as an organizational hierarchy … the Church is just like Saul, their king, Abner, the leader of their army, and Eliab, the brother of David who was committed to dying when his commanding officer said, “Charge!”

David was the lone priest of Yahweh who was not a servant of that trembling organization, too afraid to do anything, all seeing death before them … not eternal life. David serve Yahweh and Yahweh alone. David’s soul was married to Yahweh. David was an Anointed one of Yahweh, thereby a Christ.

David killed the beast that caused the fear. He cut off its ugly head. David was the champion of the Israelites. In the second optional reading from First Samuel, David walks into Jerusalem holding the head of the beast he killed “in the name of God.”

David yelled as Goliath, “I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel.” In that, David specifically named “Yahweh,” not some generic “lord.” Then the truth of what he said he came “in the name of” was “elohe maarakah Yisrael” – “an elohim in the ranks of Israel.” The name “Israel” means “He Retains God” or “God Is Upright.” David announced, “Yahweh stands before you, midget.”

Raise your hand if you have ever been told by a priest or pastor, “I tremble at the thought of some giant issue that seeks to make Christians the slaves of sin. I am like Saul. Therefore, there are no Davids in here today. Certainly, none that I have inspired.”

<Look for butts firmly sitting on hands.>

That is then seen in the jealousy that enraged Saul, which the other First Samuel reading tells. Saul threw a spear at David, attempting to kill him. Saul is a reflection of the head of a Church, who saw the adoration the people had for this boy! When he was the one chosen by the people to be their strongman. Just by bringing that huge head severed from a giant against Israel, the people liked David more than Saul; and, Saul was not going to have any of that.

The Churches of Christianity must be seen in the same light. They have not been chosen by Yahweh – Anointed Christs – because they have been educated by ignorant priests and pastors, educated by swanky seminaries, hired by church organization as ordained ministers, and then assigned to lead flocks of people. The cycle of failure begins again; but …


Raise your hand if you felt filled with Yahweh’s Spirit and were led to enter ministry, only to be told by some church leader or an assembly called a discernment committee, “We don’t believe you have been called by God.”

<Look for raised hands or nodding heads.>

If you take that route, expect them to test you by trying to spear you to death.

The sad part of this second reading choice from First Samuel is the perverts who have been given the approval to enter a seminary and graduate into a paying job as a priest of a parish have so many evil hidden agendas that they will make a sermon [out of eight possible reading] that focuses solely on Jonathan and David being closet homosexual lovers. They will twist that reading into some evil misrepresentation of the truth that is written.

Raise your hands if you have heard such a sermon in a church.

<Count the number of raised hands.>

Keep in mind that David was prepubescent when he entered Saul’s household, so only a pedophile would jump to such conclusions, the deeper message in this reading deals with divine possession of souls.

It is very easy to grasp that the text that says, “The next day an evil spirit from God rushed upon Saul, and he raved within his house,” speaks of a demonic possession. Saul was possessed by Satan. It was the demon within that made him try to kill David with a spear.

Well, if you can see that as a statement of truth, then one must automatically intuit that David was divinely possessed by the benevolent Spirit of Yahweh, which made him able to kill a giant that was possessed by a demonic spirit.

With that intuited, look at both ends of this reading’s spectrum. When we read, “the soul of Jonathan was bound to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” Because the “soul of David” was married to Yahweh, which he announced by saying he was “in the name of God,” as an “elohim in the ranks of Israel,” with “Israel” being the name of all Yahweh’s “elohim,” to read “Jonathan love [David] as his own soul,” that says Jonathan was touched by the Spirit within David, so Jonathan was likewise filled with the same Spirit of Yahweh.

It is the “tag, you’re it” of the ministry of Jesus and the ministry of the Apostles.

Still, more than Jonathan being intravenously filled with Yahweh’s Spirit, upon first coming in contact with a ten-year old Israelite boy, think of this “love” as ‘kindred spirits.’ David and Jonathan were [to use an Internet definition of that relationship], “of like mind and of like soul.” They were, in modern vernacular, “soul mates.”

Raise your hand if you have ever come in contact with anyone who you instantly felt a strong connection with, without knowing anything about that person.

<Look for raised hands or nodding heads.>

The thing about reincarnation, which Christians do not know, because Christians are not taught this, is that reincarnation is not a wise life choice to make. We can know this is not taught, as seen by the misconception Christians have been taught these days is it is okay for everyone to sin, sin, sin, and still go to heaven, made possible because Jesus died for every sin imaginable to be committed, without any need to change one’s ways. One of those common sins is homosexuality.

Homosexuality is explained by reincarnation.

A human male in this life, who was a sinful female in a past life, it forced to come back in a male body, still possessing sexual attraction to men. The opposite equally allies to males having led sinful lives as lovers of all females, come back in the body of a female, still having strong sexual urges for females. These souls all are shown the challenges of a new life – another chance to marry a soul to Yahweh and be eternally saved – and they agree to that challenge. But, lo and behold, they are born and forget every promise made to Yahweh, once again led to sin by their sex organs.

Where that explains a sin today – one that will forever be a sin, like Goliath will forever be a giant trying to kill Christianity, making all Christians become slaves to homosexuality – the opposite is also true. A soul who served Yahweh in a past life, one who was granted eternal life in heaven, offers to come back into another body of flesh and serve Yahweh again. Such a servant in a past life might have been paired, even married to, another servant to Yahweh; to be born again in the opposite gender in human flesh, meant by Yahweh to encounter the same soul partnered with in a past life, whose physical gender is the same as it was, making both be in the same world together again, but in the same gender. This is the experience of Jonathan and David.

I recommend you read what I wrote more deeply about on this topic, as that is all I will say here, now. All that needs to be realized is Jonathan and David were instantly known to one another from past lives of the same two souls, so the “love” they immediately felt in their souls for each other was no different than the “love” Jesus had for his family, followers, and disciples – the same “love” Yahweh has for all His wives, where human gender plays no role in an asexual eternal soul.

All of this symbolism then projects to David “eluding” the attack by Saul.

In that Scripture, we read, “[Saul] thought, “I will pin David to the wall.” But David eluded him twice.”

Raise your hand if someone throws a spear at you, “to pin your dead body to a wall,” and you think, “Wow! That was close, but certainly an accident. So, I’ll just play a few more chords on my harp.”

<Look for shaking heads.>

No one in his right mind would “elude” a spear throw and then hang around for a second spear to be hurled.

What was actually written says, “way·yis·sōḇ dā·wiḏ mip·pā·nāw pa·‘ă·mā·yim,” from “sabab David panim pa’am.” That literally says, “turn around David faces second.” Think of that as saying David wore “two faces,” his own and that of Yahweh, his divine Spirit of possession. That means David “eluded” Saul’s one spear thrown because the Spirit of Yahweh [the same presence that killed Goliath] told David to move, and David jumped out of the way without being struck by the spear. The save inner voice would not allow David to trust Saul after that.

The acts of Saul reflected the ‘Church’ of Israel having become demonically possessed, so that Church could no longer feel the pulse of the Israelite people. Jonathan was then symbolic of the “love” the Israelites had for David, which was then reflected when we read, “all Israel and Judah loved David; for it was he who marched out and came in leading them.”

The Church symbolized by Saul is prophesied in the words, “Saul was afraid of David, because Yahweh was with him but had departed from Saul.” That reflects the theme for today, which no Episcopal priest or bishop can or will preach about. They are afraid to because their souls find no presence of Yahweh within them.

The deeper dawning that I had when reading the Mark reading this past week had it speak loudly as metaphor. The very same metaphor is written in David’s 107th Psalm, where it acts as a prophecy that came true when Jesus regularly sailed across the Sea of Galilee. The metaphor makes everything less important as a real miracle by one man – Jesus – when it applies to all souls who have been reborn as Jesus. By reading the words in that way, the same truth applied to the Israelites who were touched by Yahweh’s Spirit under David’s rule, as well as the apostles under Jesus’ leadership, and including all of us claiming to be Christians today.

The sea is the collection of souls who have been married to Yahweh.

The boats that sail the sea are the religions that are seeking deeper truths, from higher gods.

The boat Jesus got aboard, with his disciples, reflects Judaism then and Christianity now.

In David’s song, he wrote that the fishermen took their “business” or “trade” onto the sea, seeking the deeper catches. When one connects that to a ship or boat of religion, it says the captain is the high priest, bishop, or pope and the deckhands are the pastors and priests. Rather than save souls, their “business” is making a living off catching fish and selling them.

The Hebrew word he wrote that is translated as a “storm” or “tempest” is “ruach,” which means “wind,” which is metaphor for a soul. The same word is written in Job, where Yahweh spoke to him from a “whirlwind.” By seeing the “storm” as the “sudden rush of wind that filled the upper room on Pentecost,” the “spirit” is that of Yahweh rushing towards all ships who set sail upon His sea of souls.

The smooth sea reflects the dogma of religion, where memorization without explanation is the standard. The waves are swells of insight that come from deep down and then rise up, crashing into the boat, demanding explanation.

The fear comes from the waves seeming to be contradictions, as each wave is like another reading selection on a Sabbath, where one explanation does not match another said about a prior wave.

In the boat where Jesus slept on a cushion or pillow, that reflects Judaism then and Christianity today, where the forward part of the religion is where it is headed, as a business. Jesus is like extra baggage. His presence is kept dormant, because awakening the Jesus Spirit would mean rebuke from turning his Father’s house into a den of thieves.

The call that awakens Jesus is prayers for help; but when Jesus is awoken it is not him who speaks, after the calm has been restored. It is Yahweh.

Yahweh asks, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?”

This is speaking out against those who use religion as a business, with no intention to ever save any souls. They just carry Jesus around as an icon, never expecting his death state [sleep] to be revived [resurrection].

Fear and faithlessness come from being a failed religion. Hired hands always run at the sign of danger. Wolves in sheep’s clothing will always destroy the flock, so the ship will sink.

In Paul’s second letter to the true Christians of Corinth, he alluded to that place as the truth of a Church.

Paul quoted Isaiah in his letter, such that “At an acceptable time I have listened to you, and on a day of salvation I have helped you” was how the Spirit led Paul to compliment the Corinthians for having married Yahweh. Those marriages of their souls to His Spirit became their day of salvation. They were “accepted” as wives of Yahweh.

In Paul’s letter the translation says, “There is no restriction in our affections, but only in yours.” Both before and after that verse, Paul wrote about “hearts.” The verse actually translates to speak of “compression” or squeezing so a wide opening is made narrow. The verse can then be seen as Paul referring to the place that was Corinth as a heart center, where Christians souls were pumped, both in and out, as the truth of what a Church should be.

When we read what Yahweh said to Job, it is easy to remember Him saying, “Gird up your loins like a man.” But, this past week I saw how those same words say, “protect your soul like a warrior.” This fits well with the theme of David, when he boldly went up against Goliath.

The point of a Church should be to prepare one to do just that, where the only protection a soul can wear is the Spirit of Yahweh – one size fits all. A Church should prepare a soul to marry Yahweh – pump one out – and then be a haven where a righted ship can return – pump one in – to be revitalized by fellowship with those of the same souls [like Jonathan and David].

A Church is then supposed to be like David’s Psalm 133 begins: “Oh, how good and pleasant it is, when brethren live together in unity!”

In that, a Church should teach that all souls married to Yahweh become “elohim,” which means the masculine essence of Spirituality. A Church should do that, rather than weaken Scripture by transforming “brethren” to “brothers and sisters,” reducing the spiritual to the physical and flawed.

I know the bus is about to arrive, so I will end with these three verses from Psalm 9. They sum up fairly well what a false Church will do to themselves and those they mislead:

The ungodly have fallen into the pit they dug, and in the snare they set is their own foot


Yahweh is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are trapped in the works of their own


The wicked shall be given over to the grave, and also all the peoples that forget elohim.

Always remember that David told Goliath he was an “elohim in the ranks of Israel.” An “elohim” is a soul married to Yahweh. Israel means “He Retains God,” and Jesus means “Yahweh Saves.



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