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Homily for the seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year C – Praying to Yahweh

Good morning bus riders!

We have reached the seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 12), in the liturgical Year C.

The theme for today is on having a divine relationship with Yahweh, which in human terms everyone understands is a most holy marriage.

Raise your hand if you are married.

<Look for raised hands.>

Marriage means more than living together. It means more than having a ‘friend with benefits.’ Marriage is a commitment, where vows – or sworn promises – are exchanged, publicly stating that commitment.

Many marriage vows include the words “till death do us part.”

The purpose for marriage is to have babies.

If you notice in the Old Testament there is a theme of married couples that cannot have children, because the wife is barren.

Today, this sense of purpose is not seen in marriage, as modern medicine has made women being artificially ‘barren’ – the pill and contraceptives – means the young couple can play like sexually active young adults – children pretending to be married – without all the burdens of being parents messing up their ‘playtime.’

The concept of divorce existed long ago, with that almost commonplace these days. Long ago, divorce was allowed for adultery and barrenness. If a woman could not produce children for her husband, then the marriage could be annulled.

The truth of “marriage” means the DNA of a husband has forever joined with the DNA of a wife, creating a child that is the union to two.

Jesus said, “‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh; so, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” (Matthew 19:5-6)

When two become one flesh, which God has joined together in a womb, this means a child born between a man and wife. Without the bond of children uniting two as one – set of parents, under one name – the two will always be separate.

Once all the fun of sexual activity wears off and two no longer face one another, but instead turn their backs to one another, then divorce is more easily seen as a viable option.

The “death till us part” gets thrown out the window.

All of the readings presented today deal with a divine marriage to Yahweh having been undertaken, by Hosea, by David, by Abraham, by Paul and the true Christians of Colossae, and by Jesus and his disciples.

The difficulty in seeing this divine marriage is not everyone is divinely married to Yahweh; and, that creates a world of sin.

The world of sin is what becomes the ‘other woman,’ the one who distracts a soul in its flesh from being a Saint.

That world is seen in both of the Old Testament reading, in David’s psalms and in the ‘parable’ told by Jesus to his disciples.

This makes the subtheme to divine marriage to Yahweh being about how not to be like the rest of the sinful world.

Now, in the Hosea reading, not read aloud in a church is verse one. The first segment of that first verse says, “the word of Yahweh that came , to Hosea.” This is in the first chapter of Hosea; so, for Yahweh to tell Hosea in verse two, “Go, take for yourself a wife of whoredom and have children of whoredom, for the land commits great whoredom by forsaking Yahweh,” that has to shock one.

Raise your hand if you would go marry a prostitute and bring sinful children into a sinful world?

<Look for no hands raised.>

That is not a divine marriage; and, that is a bad translation that makes it appear that Yahweh would first begin to share His Word with Hosea and tell him to become a sinner.

What is stated in verse two says, “go take yourself,” where “yourself” must be read as “your soul.” Yahweh does not talk in audible words, vibrating into physical ears. The soul of Hosea must be understood to have already become divinely married Yahweh; so, the command is for that wife-soul of Yahweh to “go take your soul” to where He is sending it.

The soul of Hosea must then be seen as having been reborn as Jesus – a name meaning “Yahweh Saves.” That resurrected soul is then told to go to where all are wives to sin and all children of a world of sin.

Thus, Yahweh told the Baptized soul of Hosea to go find a soul of harlotry to save.

The name of that lost soul is then said to be “Gomer.” While “Gomer” is found in a search of Biblical names under women, it is only as a female this once – in this reading. It is mistaken as a woman’s name because of the mistranslation. The name “Gomer” means “Completion.”

When one realizes that as far as souls in bodies of flesh are concerned [either male or female], all are potentially “wives” of Yahweh. Yahweh does not united with flesh, only souls.

By realizing that name meaning, we can now see Yahweh telling the soul of Hosea to find a sinful soul that is seeking to become “Completed,” by divine marriage to Yahweh.

That one is then “a son,” who Yahweh said to name “Jezreel.” That is an important name to remember, as the name means “God Sows.”

Way back in First Kings 19, Yahweh told the resurrected soul of Elijah, “anoint Jehu as king over Israel.” When Jehu fulfilled that prophetic anointment, Jezreel becomes the name of the valley where Jezebel’s body was scattered. This makes the name of a son of Yahweh be relative to that destruction of evil.

With Jezreel not being a physical son, as much as it is a drive to right the wrongs of an adulterous world that claimed to serve Yahweh as His wives, the two ‘daughters’ are not so much physical girls, but ideas of vengeance.

The name that says “No Mercy” says sin will find no acceptance by Yahweh. The name that says “Not My People” says claiming to serve Yahweh and not doing His Will means Yahweh rejects those who speak falsely in His name.

This can then be seen as an identification through physical circumcision, which Paul wrote about in his letter to the Colossians.

In the companion Psalm 85 – a song sung every liturgical year during the Ordinary after Pentecost seasons – this sings of divine marriage.

David sang out the name “Yahweh” four times. To know that name to call it out means David’s soul was a wife that was Baptized into that name.

Verse one identifies this Psalm as one of the eleven that are recognized as “songs of the sons of Korah.”

The “sons of Korah” are the souls of the wicked, who attempted a revolt against Aaron and Moses. In that story told in Genesis, many people were destroyed by Yahweh opening up the ground and swallowing those who followed Korah (a cousin of Moses).

Later in Genesis we are told “the sons of Korah did not die.” It is only souls that never die. Thus, the “sons of Korah” are the souls that seek out the weak and marry with their souls, leading them to sin.

This concept should be seen in the command to Hosea’s soul to go take a wife of a sinner, for the purpose of saving that lost soul.

The real verse two of Psalm 85 sings of Yahweh having forgiven the iniquities of your people and covered their sins. This was then an exalted state of transformation.

In this, verse four sings of “elohe of salvation.” The word “elohe” is a version of “elohim,” which is a possessing soul or spirit; but the ”elohe of salvation” is Jesus – a name meaning “Yahweh Saves.”

This is how Hosea’s soul could go into a wicked world and find a sinner who sought “Completion.” His soul was incomplete without the “elohe of salvation.”

In verse eight, David sang, “I will listen to what the ha-el Yahweh is saying,” where “ha-el” says “this el,” as a most singular placement of the “elohe of salvation,” speaks to the soul who received that “elohim,” as has David and Hosea.

The two daughters of Jezreel are Yahweh’s inner “elohe of salvation” telling a soul lost among wicked people: “No Mercy” and “Not My People.”

The “Gomer” of “Completion” had become the “Jezreel” where “God Sows” His “elohe of salvation,” who speaks the truth that guides one’s soul.

Can you see how Psalm 85 speaks of divine marriage that frees one from a sinful world?

<Look for nodding heads.>


This takes us to the Track 2 Old Testament reading selection from Genesis 18, which tells of Abraham bargaining (so to speak) with Yahweh over the destruction of Sodom.

Let me ask you this: Did you know that there are two places in Genesis that tell of Sodom and Gomorrah, both involving Abram and Lot?

<Look for shocked faces.>

The first is found in Genesis 13 and 14, or well before this version written of in Genesis 18 and 19.

In Genesis 13 and 14, the references are to Abram. In Genesis 18 and 19 they are to Abraham. The name “Abram” means “Exalted Father.” The name “Abraham” is less clear, but believed to mean “Their Protection” or “Their Shield.” This difference can be seen in the two stories.

What needs to be seen as quite different from the Hosea story, where Hosea’s soul was told by Yahweh to go save a wicked soul seeking “Completion” in a place that (for all intent and purposes) was Israel – the Northern Kingdom – pretending to worship Yahweh, while it was as depraved as was Sodom and Gomorrah.

There was no defending the people of Israel by Hosea, as if he protested, “Can I go find a wife who is not a slut and marry her?”

To see Yahweh explain “How great is the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah and how very grave their sin! I must go down and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry that has come to me; and if not, I will know,” this is Yahweh telling Abraham, “If the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are truly as wicked as reported to me, then they will all be destroyed.”

We find Abraham having the audacity to question Yahweh, saying “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city; will you then sweep away the place and not forgive it for the fifty righteous who are in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked!”

This is where one needs to remember that souls are eternal. They – like the “sons of Korah” – will not die. Any righteous souls will find death a release to be one with Yahweh. All unrighteous will find eternal damnation or reincarnation.

The name “Abraham” now becomes a projection into the future, as a prophetic even told by Moses (divinely inspired by Yahweh), which tells of our times, when there will be priests who question Yahweh and His plans to destroy evil.

In the text written in Hebrew, the translation service prevent the English readers from seeing there was a change from “Yahweh” to “adonay,” seen after “Yahweh” agreed to spare the people from destruction if there are fifty righteous people amid the whole. After that, Abraham is speaking to his inner “Lord,” which is the spirit-soul that has married his soul.

It is not Yahweh in the future.

This story tells of our times, when there is a pope in Rome who pleas for all the .”sinners of the world to remain sinners, just because there might only be five souls that are righteous left among them. Those false shepherds are those who become “Their Protector” or “Their Shield,” they “They” are the wicked.

We live now in Sodom and Gomorrah, which are names that mean “Flaming; Burnt; Furrows; Wet Fields; Demons; Breasts; or, Their Assembly” and “Tyrannical Dealings; People Of Fear; or, People Who Shoot Arrows.”

This fits our modern failures very snugly.

Can you see that in a divine marriage between a soul and the Spirit of Yahweh, one must totally submit to His Will, realizing it was one’s Big Brain that led our souls to be filthy from sins of the flesh; so, there is no negotiating with God?

<Look for nodding heads.>

I recall reading about the Albigensian Crusade, where a mercenary general paid by Rome to destroy all the Cathars (a name that means “Pure Ones”) of southern France, was told by his field advisors the Roman Catholics in Albi were mixed in with the Cathars – Gnostic Christians – and they could not tell which was which.

The general was quoted as giving the order: “Kill them all. God will know His kind.”

I thought that was a cold thing to say; but now I see it is what Yahweh told Abraham.

The difference in that historical event is the mercenary general was paid by the King of France, who was paid by Rome, which is not the same marching orders as Yahweh gave Abraham.

When we see that Abraham took up a conversation with his “adonay,” which was not Yahweh, David’s Psalm 138 echoes that in the first verse, which sings, “I will give thanks to you Yahweh with my whole heart; before elohim I will sing your praise.”

This says the “elohim” within David’s soul was the “Yahweh elohim” that is the soul of Adam, thus Jesus. The element of “whole heart” can then be seen to match the “Gomer” “Completion” in the Hosea reading.

A “whole heart” – where the Hebrew word for “heart” also means “inner man, mind, will” – means a “completed soul.” This is the marriage to Yahweh that brings forth the resurrection of His Son’s soul within one’s soul – the purpose of marriage – so that inner presence leads one to sing praises to Yahweh.

Can you see this verse of Psalm 138 singing about a divine marriage – a union of soul and Spirit?

<Look for nodding heads.>


As to this psalm – which is sung every year in the liturgical schedule during the Ordinary after Pentecost seasons – being the companion to the Old Testament prophecy of a future time when false shepherds will be the “Shields” for wickedness and sins, we need to focus on what David wrote in verse seven.

There, his words sing, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you keep me safe; you stretch forth your hand against the fury of my enemies; your right hand shall save me.”

Does that not sound familiar, as like when David sang, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me”?

That is verse four in Psalm 23, which is read on Good Shepherd Sunday every year. This reading that projects Abraham in the future as a False Shepherd means this Psalm is chosen to sing of the marriage commitment to Yahweh that leads one to enter personal ministry, without fears, and without questioning anything Yahweh says to do.

Now this brings us to the reading from chapter two in Paul’s letter to the true Christians of Colossae.

I wrote very deeply about this and posted a long commentary on my website. This is most important to realize, as it is Paul basically listing the steps of a divine marriage to Yahweh, which means having Yahweh’s Son Jesus be resurrected within one’s soul – the purpose of marriage.

Relative to the other kind of marriage to a soul-spirit – one like the “Demon” meaning of “Sodom” – Paul wrote in verse eight, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ.”

Now, that is the simplified translation that rolls of the tongue real fast, as one long statement; but even by doing that, it is fairly clear that Paul is warning us – the readers beyond Colossae – to not fall in love with our Big Brains and marry a demon spirit.

When he wrote the word “Christon,” the capitalization of that word applies it to an act of marriage between a soul and Yahweh, where “a Christ” does not means the last name of Jesus, but a divinely elevated “Anointment.”

Those can only come from Yahweh.

As to the “captivity” that comes from “philosophy,” that is the soul being married to its fleshy brain, where demon spirits love to whisper how important one is in a world full of sin.

This leads to “empty deceit,” which is where the prophesied Abraham came from, arguing with his inner lord, as to how little righteousness needed to exist in the world, before it was worthy of destruction.

This is marriage to the “elemental spirits of the universe,” which are those souls-spirits that whisper lies (deceit) that direct a soul in its body of flesh to seek wealth and power from anything and everything material.

When one’s soul is seeking material gains, then one’s soul is “not acting according to Christ.” One is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Moses, told in Genesis 18, where one tries to be “Their Shield,” when “They” are sinners.

Now, in the times of Paul, when the Jews of Jerusalem still offered “philosophy” (rather than truth about their religion) and “empty deceit” (rather than the truth about what Scripture says), their claim to a “righteous” lifestyle was all based on “human tradition.”

Paul then wrote about the “human tradition” known as circumcision.

Raise your hand if you are circumcised and/or if you believe having a penis cut is a “human tradition” that says, “I am Christian, therefore I am saved.”

<Look for hands meekly raised.>

In verse eleven, Paul wrote, “In him also you were circumcised with a spiritual circumcision, by putting off the body of the flesh in the circumcision of Christ.”

In this equally weak translation, the two words written by Paul that has been translated as “spiritual circumcision” say “to circumcision not made by hands.” This absence of physical hands then implies (rightfully) a “spiritual circumcision.”

Again, the element of “Christ” is that Paul this time wrote the Genitive case form that states a divine possession – a spiritual union – that is “of Christ” or “of Anointment” by Yahweh.

This says Yahweh’s idea of circumcision is to cut the influence of the flesh from the soul. This makes circumcision be done to both males and females, as all have souls that need to have the influence of their flesh cut away by Yahweh.

This means a divine marriage is a spiritual circumcision, where Baptism by the Spirit of Yahweh – a marriage tradition of Spirit, not a human tradition – washes away all the filth of past sins. Spiritual circumcision is that divine cleansing.

There is so much that can be said about what Paul wrote in these fourteen verses that I cannot go deeply into it all. Instead, I will jump ahead to verse eighteen, which is one of those ‘optional’ verses.

The NRSV shows this as stating: “Do not let anyone disqualify you, insisting on self-abasement and worship of angels, dwelling on visions, puffed up without cause by a human way of thinking.”

Here is another warning to stay away from the influence of false shepherds.

To have “anyone disqualify you” means to let another soul lead your soul astray, with “philosophy” and empty deceit,” based on “human tradition.”

This is what every church on planet earth preaches. They have dogma, rites, rituals, and beliefs that are taught, without anyone ever explaining the truth told in Scripture. Everything is based on mistranslations and a laziness that would much rather not search for the truth. It becomes a string of people believing what they have been told to believe; so, the originator of those beliefs – a human being, such as Abraham means a defender of sin, as “Their Protector” – is not Yahweh. It is not His elohim sent as the purpose of divine marriage.

The translation that says “insisting on self-abasement” is better stated as “intending within lowness of mind,” or “wishing within humility.” This is less about a soul having a strong will of self, instead Paul is saying “disqualification” means a poor judgment of one’s soul by Yahweh, where the “desire” for divine marriage must be found in a soul’s submission of self into the hand of Yahweh.

This means “worship of angels” is better stated as one being led to a state of “religion” that is not based on the thinking of men [“philosophy”]. Instead, it is based on divine “messages” that are delivered that let one know how to live righteously.

The translation that says “dwelling on visions” is better stated as “who he has seen setting foot on.” This is Paul saying “angelic visions,” like those experienced by Abraham, Moses, Hosea, and the prophets, is not an uncommon experience for a Saint. The explanations of Scripture comes through insights that allow a soul to see the truth unfold before their eyes; but only those souls married to Yahweh are able to see them.

The translation that ends this verse by saying, “puffed up without cause by a human way of thinking,” is better stated as this: “vainly arrogant by this understanding of the flesh of his soul.” That says without a soul being led by “angels” coming to explain that not understood in Scripture, then a human brain will begin making things up (based on bad translations) and arrogantly defend that which is not the true intent.

All of this says a soul must lower itself in a subservient position before Yahweh and submit to His Will. This is a testing period – like an engagement – where not every bride-to-be will keep her lamp filled with oil. There is word to be done.

The lamp symbolizes the light of truth; and, the oil is representative to the messengers sent, telling a bride-to-be the answers to questions they pose in prayer. Those answers then develop faith fro being able to see the truth for oneself; and, faith goes far beyond the “vain arrogance of human thinking.”

Again, I wrote very deeply about what Paul wrote in these verses. It is freely available on my website; and, I invite all brides-to-be to visit that ‘oil shop’ and keep the light of truth burning brightly in your lamps that seek salvation.

Keep in mind the key to this marriage is communication; and, divine communication with Yahweh is done through offering prayers.

This is then the focus brought out in the Gospel reading selection today, from Luke 11.

This reading is the lesser variation of what we call “The Lord’s Prayer,” with the whole version of that coming from Matthew’s Gospel.

It is Jesus teaching disciples to pray; but, just like the readings from Hosea and Genesis 18, this reading from Luke is translated so it gives the wrong impression.

One can say that Matthew and Luke wrote the same prayer stated by Jesus, but Luke placed sections of words between parentheses; and, the translators of the text into English see a parentheses mark as some king of signal that an ‘aside’ is being stated. They then throw all that text out as ‘asides’ are not necessary to translate.

A parentheses mark denoted the text within those marks must be understood in purely spiritual terms. The ‘aside’ is that spoken within one’s soul, not aloud, so one’s ears pick up on the physical vibrations of conversation.

Now, I wrote deeply about what Luke wrote and posted that on my website. I invite all to read that and see how Luke wrote the same as Matthew. I did not do a comparison-contrast about the two; so, I will leave that to you.

Just know the English translation presented in Luke has thrown divine text out the window, as unworthy of translation.

When you see this glaring error, one has to approach the Luke version from a more careful perspective.

In Luke we are told how Jesus warned his disciples not to make a public display of prayer to God, as the hypocrites of the Temple did. This means the “Lord’s Prayer” is not Jesus telling his disciples, “Here, memorize these words and stand in churches saying them aloud publicly … like hypocrites.”

Jesus said to go into your room and pray without using audible words.

Now, this lesson begins with the fact that the disciples saw Jesus going off to pray in solitude. That led “a certain one” to request that Jesus teach his followers how to pray, like John the Baptist taught his disciples.

That says two things. First, it says the “certain one” was a disciple that had also followed John, having been taught by John how to pray. That “certain one” would most likely be Simon Peter.

Second, there is nothing that says Jesus left the group to make a spectacle of his going off to pray. When the words written are fully understood, it says Jesus “went into his room to pray privately,” while amid his disciples.

That says Jesus went inside himself – his “room” – and was in what modern Americans would call a yogi trance. Peter recognized this state of being, but the other disciples did not. Thus, Peter asked Jesus (after he came out of his trance) to explain to the others what Jesus was doing in his prayer trance.

That becomes a lesson that we do not need to have some set aside place on the earth where we feel comfortable talking to God. We carry our “room” that we must “enter within” everywhere we go. We must enter into our souls, separate from the excitement of a body of flesh in the world.

Can you see that?

<Look for nodding heads.>


When you see how the English translation misses this direction to an inner – soul relationship with Yahweh – one reads the seeming parable about a friend visiting a friend at midnight, asking for three loaves of bread.

I heard a minister preach on this reading and say this is one of two negative parables, where Jesus gives an example of what not to do, rather than tell a story about what happens and what the best course is.

When you read this parable you will find the word “friend” translated four times. For that reason this parable is listed on Wikipedia as “Parable of the Friend at Night.”

The Greek word translated as “friend” is “philos.” That word means “beloved, dear, friendly.”

When one sees “beloved” as that word of translation repeated four times, this becomes “Parable of the Beloved at Night.” The word “Beloved” is then a statement about marriage between the lost souls to Yahweh. This is the “Night” part, like in the parable of the Bridesmaids, who needed to keep oil in their lamps at all times, to keep the light of truth shining – because your soul never knew when the Bridegroom would arrive.

Now, in the prayer example Jesus gave, he told his disciples to refer to God, not as Yahweh, but as “our Father.”

That says a soul has received Baptism by the Spirit of Yahweh, so the “midnight” of all past sins have been washed clean.

It is that experience of a “Beloved” of Yahweh that sends that soul to the doorstep of His Son, Jesus, to request the Trinity that comes from spiritual food – three loaves of bread.

That request is because “a Beloved of my soul” (Yahweh) “has come” and that marriage set this Beloved on a “journey” to become where Jesus’ soul will be resurrected.

When Jesus said the man told his visitor about being in “bed with my children,” the word that translates as “bed” implies a “marriage bed,” where “children” are sired.

The negative of what Jesus would not do in a situation where a Beloved of the Father had been sent to Jesus to accept into his “marriage bed” as another child alongside Jesus’ soul would be ridiculous.

All such Beloveds arrive at the “midnight” of their self-ego, where the symbolism of “Night” becomes “Death.” They arrive “Dead” to their self-worth, asking Jesus to complete them as a Trinity, filled with spiritual food.

Thus, Jesus said, “Ask, Seek, and Knock.”

This is his lesson about offering prayers to Yahweh. The last step is to “Knock” on the door of Jesus; and, his soul will be opened to your soul.

A “fish” is a soul taken from the sea of souls, while a “serpent” is the Leviathan of spirits that will devour souls that do not seek union with Yahweh. A “serpent” is marriage to a demon spirit or a malevolent souls possessing one’s soul – like the girl who followed Paul and Silas around.

An “egg” is the cleansed womb of a Baptized soul, seeking to be fertilized by the soul of Jesus. A “scorpion” is the sting of death, which is the opposite of newborn life.

All of this is a lesson in a soul being able to call Yahweh “Father.” Yahweh is not one’s spiritual “Father” is one’s soul has not married Him, receiving His Spirit that makes one become an “egg” of His to impregnate.

One can only call Yahweh “Father” when one’s soul has been reborn as His Son, upon whose door one’s soul knocked and his soul was opened to one’s soul.

This lesson falls in line with all the other lessons today, where Hosea’s soul was resurrected as Yahweh’s Son and sent to marry with a lost soul of an evil Israel, so he could fulfill the prophecy that would destroy evil influencers.

This lesson falls in line with the Genesis story where a false Abraham would argue with Yahweh, preferring to have a conversation with his inner “adonay” – a false shepherd. The true Abraham would have never argued with the Father.

It falls in line with Paul’s letter to the Colossians, where he warned them not to fall for “philosophies” and “empty deceit, according to human traditions.” It would be human traditions that would have a “friend” tell another “friend,” “It is too late to open my doors to you. Come back when normal prayers are offered.”

I see the bus arriving, so I will end here.

Please, take the time to see for yourself what the truth offered in readings today is. Please visit my website and see what is written and what the written word says.

I look forward to seeing you all again next Sunday. Until then, please take care of your souls.



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