[1] Let me sing for my beloved my love-song concerning his vineyard:
My beloved had a vineyard on a very fertile hill.
[2] He dug it and cleared it of stones, and planted it with choice vines;
he built a watchtower in the midst of it, and hewed out a wine vat in it;
he expected it to yield grapes, but it yielded wild grapes.
[3] And now, inhabitants of Jerusalem and people of Judah,
judge between me and my vineyard.
[4] What more was there to do for my vineyard that I have not done in it?
When I expected it to yield grapes, why did it yield wild grapes?
[5] And now I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard.
I will remove its hedge, and it shall be devoured;
I will break down its wall, and it shall be trampled down.
[6] I will make it a waste; it shall not be pruned or hoed, and it shall be overgrown with briers and thorns;
I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it.
[7] For the vineyard of Yahweh of hosts is the house of Israel,
and the people of Judah are his pleasant planting;
he expected justice, but saw bloodshed;
righteousness, but heard a cry! ס
In verse one there are three words that translated as “beloved” – “lî·ḏî·ḏî” (written twice) and “dō·w·ḏî.” Not only does this make this son about the “beloved” of Yahweh, these verses are a song dedicated to the “beloved” and his “vineyard.” One must understand that the “beloved” of Yahweh is His Son, Adam-Jesus. The Yahweh elohim that is the soul of Adam-Jesus is the love of Yahweh. For any soul born into human flesh to know the love of God, that soul has to become merged with the Yahweh elohim that is Adam-Jesus, becoming the Son of Yahweh reborn.
Because Jesus had not yet been born (although the name will always mean “Yah Saves” or “Yah Will Save”) and because Jerusalem, Judah and Israel are named, the focus of line one should be on the Saint whose soul was married to Yahweh, becoming the embodiment of Adam-Jesus. That historic figure is David, a name that means “Beloved.” Thus, Adam-Jesus was resurrected in the flesh that was Anointed by the Spirit of Yahweh; and, David led the people to live up to the names that mean “Teaching Peace” (“Jerusalem”), “Let Him Be Praised,” and “Who Retains Yahweh elohim.” The vineyard was then the “fruitfulness” of common people being led to marry their souls to Yahweh, becoming His Son reborn, as a nation of Saints.
In verse two, the key term to focus on is the “tower built in the middle of the vineyard.” The “choice vines” are the children of Israel, led to the Promised Land by Moses. The “tower” is then the greatest leader in Israel’s history – David. David was the only king chosen by Yahweh that would prepare the “vineyard” to bring forth choice fruit. When we then read “it brought forth wild grapes,” this says the kings that would follow David would lead the people’s souls away from marriage to Yahweh. They would serve human kings and foreign queens, with foreign priests, not Yahweh. None of the people would become the Son of Yahweh resurrected within their souls.
Verse three is then Yahweh singing through Isaiah’s pen, asking politely for the “inhabitants of Jerusalem” and “the men of Judah” to “judge between me and my vineyard.” Here, the meaning behind the names refers to those leading the Temple in Jerusalem as “those dwelling for Teaching Peace.” It then includes the “kings the Let Him Be Praised,” who follow the guidance of prophets, such as Isaiah. Yahweh even said “please” (“nā”), in “prayer,” as His way of asking them to choose to be His good fruit – raised by His Son – or wild grapes – raised by worldly demon spirits.
Verse four only asks one question, even though the NRSV breaks the verse into two. It is Yahweh asking through his prophet Isaiah, “What more could have been done in the preparation of this divine vineyard, expecting only good fruit to come but yielding instead wild grapes?” This asks why a Beloved king was given to the people – at the people’s request – who taught even soul in flesh how to marry his and her soul to Yahweh and be the good fruit of Yahweh’s Son resurrected, why then would the children of those Saints not also be raised to be Saints? The answer can only be to send lightning bolts from heaven to strike dead all the corrupt kings and heathen queens and false priests, to put the fear of God in all the people to comply and be a good grape. However, that would defeat the purpose of good fruit.
Verse five instead offers the solution to tear everything down and start all over again. Rather than lightning bolts to destroy the kings, queens and false priests, the people too must be included in this redo. The people have been raised to be wild grapes; so, they cannot possibly change and become good fruit be fear and force. This has to be seen as the foreseen coming destruction of Judah and Jerusalem by the Babylonians. They would be the contractors who would burn down the hedges and break down the walls, so the people could be trampled (into wild grape wine?).
Verse six then says the destruction of the vineyard will not include a renewal project, where more choice vines are brought in to replace the uprooted choice vines that became overrun by fallen stakes in the ground, so they cross-bred with wild vines growing on the ground. Instead, Yahweh will let the destroyed vineyard become a place where briars and thorns grow prominently. Then, Yahweh will command the clouds to give forth no rain. The vineyard will be turned into a barren wilderness.
Verse seven then sings that there will never be a vineyard of Yahweh that accepts less than good fruit. When this is seen as metaphor for souls that are rewarded with eternal life in the Spiritual realm of Yahweh, then those who still bears the sins of ‘wild grapes’ will not be allowed in. The “vineyard of Yahweh of the spiritual souls of heaven enter into the house of those Who Retain Yahweh elohim.” Only those who have been reborn as the Son of Yahweh can earn eternal life. The “men of Judah” – or the “priests reborn in the name of Jesus who Let Yahweh Be Praised” – are those who gain entrance into the eternal realm of salvation because they “plant” the seeds of “righteousness” on the barren land, where lost sheep roam in need of spiritual food and living waters. Those souls who gain entrance into the spiritual realm are those who first seek all who “cry out for help,” as they go to them as Jesus – Yahweh’s Savior.