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The Systems of Nostradamus

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

2. The Systems of Nostradamus: Instructions for Making Sense of The Prophecies

Because the reason the French have never been able to understand Les Propheties is the rules of French language (syntax) do not apply, the errors of attempting to translate Nostradamus’ most famous work from syntactical French become compounded and magnified. Nostradamus did not write a thousand rhyming poems in an effort to leave a legacy of chicanery that earned him little more than a hindsighted reputation of charlatan, who apparently had no true concept of his native tongue - French (Old as it may have been). The reality is simple: No one would write as much dribble as Nostradamus supposedly did, with no true purpose and intent.

The division of philosophy that is known as Logic has rules by which analysis of questionable material (such as Les Propheties) must be examined. Unfortunately, all logic has been tossed aside, as evidenced by the mass perception of Nostradamus that has been projected, ever since his death. No one, prior to myself (as far as I know), has ever presented the theory that Nostradamus was the equivalent of a Biblical prophet, who was filled with the Holy Spirit and in possession of the Mind of Jesus Christ, who acted as a completely subservient soul to God, while he wrote what he was told to write, in the confusing way that he wrote it. The Systems of Nostradamus presents the logic that makes the Old French become a holy language, following holy rules of syntax.

Once one is able to stop trying to force the words of Nostradamus’ quatrains and letters into the box of normal syntax, one is able to begin to see a system of language that is so obvious it is overlooked. I call this language in which Nostradamus wrote the language of God, where there are fixed rules (the same as have French and all other languages) that allow for understanding to come. These rules then become the chapters of this book.

This book is not an easy read, in the sense that one does not go to a study and sit down with a book with a title like “Basics of English Composition,” and begin reading from front cover to back cover. This is likewise a textbook that serves as a teaching aid for a language, while also being a reference guide that assists one in reading Nostradamus as a divine language (not simply French). It states the repetitious factors that are found in The Prophecies (one example being capitalization) and explains how each factor has to be read. Examples from Nostradamus’ text are then presented, with that factor’s application demonstrated, with some whole quatrains interpreted from beginning to end, based on the presence of that factor and knowing how to use its rule, so that making understanding come forth is possible.

This book is a must have for any serious student of Nostradamus, who will need to know how to read holy prophecy in the future. The same rules can be applied, generally and specifically, to all of the holy texts of the Holy Bible. In fact, it has been my understanding that originated in an ability to understand Nostradamus that has taken me to interpreting the readings that come from those sacred texts. If one can stop being blinded by thoughts of wizardry and illogical imaginations as being possible in a real world (because none of that has every really been more than trickery), then one can see how holy mysteries are indeed real; but just as the text of Nostradamus appears to be gibberish, the presence of the Holy Spirit is required so one can have the truth his holy words reveal. By working with the texts of Nostradamus, while referencing the systems pointed out in The Systems of Nostradamus, one can show God a desire to find the truth personally; and, from a demonstrated commitment to serve God by knowing His truth, then slowly one’s eyes will open to see the truth for oneself, making the result be strong and lasting. Belief can never be solely based on what one is told to believe. It must be proved on a personal, meaningful level.

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