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The $50-Million Reelection Gift: How Nostradamus Really Told Where to Look

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Nostradamus wrote prophecies that predicted the world of today and tomorrow. Involved in that are quatrains that appear to reflect upon the man Osama bin Laden. In early 2001, Robert Tippett presented a logical argument, based on his interpretations of several elements of The Prophecies, and presented them like trial evidence for where Osama bin Laden could be found. When he published this book originally, that information would gain one a reward that was announced as twenty-five million dollars. Shortly after the book was available to purchase, the news broke that Osama bin Laden had been found and killed. That was after he could not be found and captured for over nine years. Now, after another nine-year wait, Robert Tippett is reissuing his 2011 work with changes and updates. The reason is simple: God prophesied through His Prophet Nostradamus, with The Prophecies being a warning sent to us today that changing a direction is the only way to avert a future disaster. Nostradamus did not name Osama bin Laden specifically. Someone like him is still out there, hiding where his evidence says to look. There no longer is a reward for his capture, so the only reward for reading these clues is receiving the Spirit of faith, which can save one's soul.

The $50-Million Reelection Gift: How Nostradamus Really Told Where to Look

SKU: 978-1952076145
$19.95 Regular Price
$18.34Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax

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    Mississippi U.S.A.  

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