I have begun a very informative series of Bible Studies ‘classes’ in blog format. The focus is set on Genesis, beginning with chapter 1 and 2. Bible Studies 3 deals with chapter 1, but chapter 2 is spread over Bible Studies 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Think about Genesis 2 containing that much that needs to be taught and learned. This topic is quite deep and worth understanding. It is free to ‘attend’ as a secret squirrel voyeur; but there is a caveat.
Freely made public are Bible Studies 1-5 (with 1 & 2 general in nature, not focuses on any particular Scripture). Anyone who bookmarks this blog can find them listed and simply click and read. However, due to the depth Genesis 2 takes, it is unreasonable to let one just jump right in and read (for instance) Bible Studies 9, without having been led to that point in discussion [comments are welcomed].
Therefore, Bible Studies 6 and onward have been password protected. You can email me for a specific lesson’s password at rtippett97@email.com and I will send you the information you need.
In the mean time, here are some snippets of what has been published:
Bible Studies 6
“In Genesis 1:30, “breath of life” is written as “ne·p̄eš ḥay·yāh,” which is repeated in Genesis 2:7 [the last two words]. Those words in Hebrew are “לְנֶ֥פֶשׁ חַיָּֽה׃” or “lə·ne·p̄eš ḥay·yāh” [rooted in “nephesh chay“]. However, those words are translated as “a being living” in Genesis 2:7, while “breath of life” is found in Genesis 1:30. In Genesis 2:7 is also written “niš·maṯ ḥay·yîm,” from the root words “neshamah chay,” in addition to “naphach chay.” The Hebrew word “neshamah” is defined by Strong’s as translating to “blast, that breaths, inspiration, soul, spirit.” In their “Exhaustive Concordance” they explain: “From nasham; a puff, i.e. Wind, angry or vital breath, divine inspiration, intellect.”
Notice how when God breathed it was a soul given [from “nephesh“], as well as a “spirit” or “divine inspiration.” The difference between animal males and this man (adam) is “everything that has the breath of life in it” is not permanently “alive.” It means “a soul” in a temporal body of flesh, which will die releasing the “living being,” is (collectively) eternal elohim. What Yahweh breathed would make His Man (adam) be “a being living from the breath of Holy Spirit.”
This use of “breath” needs to be equated to Jesus appearing in the upper room, amid his fearful disciples on Easter Sunday, when “he breathed on them, saying “Receive the Spirit.” There are two different “pneumas,” with the lower-case spelling meaning a “soul.” The upper-case “Pneuma” means “Spirit,” which is an elevated state of being on earth, which allows one to become a Saint [Consecrated].”
Bible Studies 7
‘”Knowledge” being stated as a ‘tree’ of flesh means a brain that thinks. The most basic purpose of a brain is to control the functions of the body of flesh: breathing, circulating blood, building and rebuilding cells, sending impulses to and from all the parts of the body to the brain, processing things consumed, etc. All of the animal men and animal women (created on day six) had brains and they also worked to do those things. However, the animal human beings had been given the dominion over other animals and free to eat all the fruit from the trees and berries from the plants, so their brains also made them able to figure out problems: how to hunt and gather. The human brain is what makes human beings be the top creature in God’s Creation – the Animal Kingdom.
It is our brains that allow us to read and write these words and formalize ideas and concepts. We are using our brains to bring out the truth of Genesis 2 right now.
Still, that basic knowledge, which animal man and animal woman possessed, had no concept of “good or bad” or knowing what was “pleasing” to God (from “towb“) or “evil” in His eye (from ra’). That was because no living creatures knew right from wrong. Everything animals did (including animal man and animal woman) was natural, instinctive, and the way the elohim made them to be. Therefore, the “tree of knowledge of good and bad” (from “ṭō·wḇ wā·rā‘” or “towb ra’“) was the design feature God built into ‘Adam’ – ‘Adam’ was made to become the first priest for a world that did not know any God or gods, because their brains were not made to think in those terms. They had no tree of life in their core beings.”
Bible Studies 8
“This becomes an example of how the transition marked by a period means the end of a statement constructed of individual meanings expressed in words. The human concept of time likes to think that a period marks signals one to take a breath of full pause, before diving into another sentence. In human time conceptualization from writing, we think one sentence leads to the next, without a time lapse.
This is not the way God speaks to us through His Prophets. A perfect example is in Matthew and Mark, when their ‘sentence structure’ makes the Passover Seder seem like a wham-bam thank you ma’am event – eat some bread, drink some wine, the end. In reality, time not recorded in words elapsed between the bread and the wine, as is always the case in a Seder evening. All concepts of time must be added by our higher awareness of the reality that we – personally – know. Full grown adult males are not born into the world. Babies are; and babies must grow to an age when they are taught to feed themselves. Thus, we do not know adam’s age when God told him he could eat the fruit of the trees.
When Jesus was fasting for forty days in the wilderness [DO NOT TRY THAT AT HOME], we are told, “angels came and attended him.” (Matthew 4:11b) The Greek word “angeloi” should be seen as the equivalent of “elohim.” This means Yahweh elohim adam had the same accompaniment of a heavenly host as he grew and developed in his capability to serve and preserve the creations of the elohim – animal man and animal woman. For a human baby to grow old enough to learn how to open a refrigerator and pull out something to eat, at least four years of growth occurs. In a human male lifespan of seventy-two years, four years of growth reflects 1/18th of a whole life. Given that ‘Adam’ would live for 930 years, 1/18th of that relates to almost 52 years.”
Bible Studies 9
“When I was a child, my mother had been taught that children’s digestive systems could not handle coconut. I was not allowed to eat coconut until I was old enough to digest the fibers of coconuts. My mother also was afraid I would choke to death on a fish bone, so I rarely ate fish growing up [frozen fish sticks only!]. Still, those fears in my mother were not why Yahweh told His Son, “[if] you eat from [the tree of knowledge of good and bad] you will certainly die.”
Can you see how what God told ‘Adam’ was not a threat? Can you see how God simply told His Son the truth? Can you see how God made ‘Adam’ for the purpose of teaching others knowledge of good and bad, as the first priest of Yahweh on earth; but it was ‘Adam’s’ decision to “freely” make … to enter that priesthood through death?
Did not Jesus also face the same point of purposeful transformation [in reverse]? Was Jesus not free to choose not to die on a cross, just like ‘Adam’ was free to choose to die from breaking a rule he was meant to break?
‘Adam’ could have remained an immortal demigod forever, as long as he obeyed one Law: Do not enjoy the fruits of the flesh, or else the tree of life will leave you and you will become mortal.”
Bible Studies 10
“Keep in mind that Yahweh did not need to “close up the flesh,” because nothing is stated about God having opened up an flesh. God just “took” (from “way·yiq·qaḥ,” or “laqach“) it from adam. God took a “rib” (“tsela“) that was “flesh” (“basar“) and it was that “rib” that was “closed up,” not some wounding of anything “flesh.” Can you see how “and closed up flesh in its place” means “and the rib taken grew back”? No cutting of “flesh” was done in the “taking.” All that is stated is “what was taken was replaced.” Can you see that?
Good! Now, look at how verse 22 then clarifies what just happened. The translation offered by the NIV is too weak to catch the meaning, due to having misread the three words at the end of verse 21. With my adjustments, it says, “Then Yahweh elohim made ishshah from the “design part” he had taken from the adam.” The literal Interlinear translation states: “And built [fashioned, constructed] Yahweh elohim that part , which He had selected from man , in woman –“.
Can you see how this is saying that Yahweh elohim is creating again on the seventh day – the day set apart as consecrated and holy – in the same way that Yahweh elohim adam created? This is now stating that Yahweh elohim ishshah was created in the same way, which is God making the first Holy female or priestess for the world, to accompany ‘Adam’. She would likewise be holy because she would be made “elohim” from the “rib” (“tsela“) taken from adam and put into ishshah. Call it elohim by lineage.”
Bible Studies 11
“Remembering that in Genesis 1, when the elohim created “adam” in their likeness, as “male and female,” the Hebrew word written were “zakar” (male) and “neqebah” (female). This says now that ‘Adam’ was speaking in terms of the Spiritual creation of ish and ishshah, where the difference is their divinity. The two known as “Adam and Eve” were created for a heavenly place on earth, created on the seventh day, a day set apart as sacred and holy. This means ‘Adam’ was not speaking in terms of typical animal man and animal woman being fruitful and multiplying [a natural biological transference of DNA that was created by Yahweh and passed on by the elohim]. This makes reproductivity of those given eternal life by Yahweh follow the same laws set by Yahweh, which was what ‘Adam’ was stating.
I know this might be difficult to see. While it is not too difficult to see how ‘Adam’ was speaking about his knowledge of the biology of reproduction in human beings, the turn here requires seeing ‘Adam’ as the prototype of Jesus of Nazareth, such that ‘Adam’ was not just being a “big brain” and figuring a few things out. ‘Adam’ was speaking the knowledge of the Father, because the Father was in him and he in the Father. Can you see how that statement, spoken repeatedly by Jesus, is a statement of the DNA of the Holy Spirit being what makes human beings become elevated into Saints or Apostles, which can be the same as Yahweh elohim adam?
Try hard to focus your eyes on that concept. Keep in mind the duality of normal humans and saintly humans is one has a soul animating a body [normal humans], while the other has a soul joined with the Holy Spirit (the tree of life – living waters – immortality) [saintly humans]. ‘Adam’ was speaking of that union of Spirit.”
Bible Studies 12
The Hebrew word “arum” means “crafty, shrewd, sensible,” also “prudent,” with another Hebrew source (other than Strong’s) saying it means “cunning and deceitful.” The same Hebrew letters, when the vowel “u” (as “a-room“) is replaced by an “o” (as “a-rom“) [Hebrew has few vowels], the word changes to meaning “naked, nude.” Still, the assumption is all creatures in eden were “nude,” so the snake is said to be without physical strength. The serpent can only survive by being “crafty,” but it is his visible weakness (nakedness) that makes it seem harmless and not a threat. That becomes the quality given to the serpent by Yahweh elohim, who created the serpent to live in paradise – a gift for adam to name.
Next, following a comma mark, we read: “which had made Yahweh elohim.” This confirms that the serpent was made with its only strong trait as being its wits. According to the definition of “shrewd,” the serpent was given “sharp powers of judgment,” and was “astute.” As far as being “crafty,” synonymous with “cunning,” the serpent was “clever at achieving one’s aims by indirect or deceitful methods.” All of this means God and His elohim, when creating animals for adam to name and play with, purposefully made the serpent this way. One must then assume that adam gave the serpent the name “nachash,” which is the Hebrew word that bears that meaning “serpent.”
From seeing this purposeful characteristic, one can presume the name “serpent” identified that creature as having the ability to trick one, such that today we provide a definition for “snake” that is “a treacherous or deceitful person.” Such a definition would not be applied to a creature today, as modern human beings do not have an ability to communicate with beasts. However, adam was able to do this [remember the one language of telepathy we talked about] and found that the serpent trained him in how to solve the riddles posed by the sly snake and practice the same craftiness against it. That would have prepared adam to be on guard about anything the serpent communicated, so he would not be tricked, which is also a sign that Yahweh spoke insight to adam, much like Jesus knew what tricks the Pharisees and Sadducees were up to [not to mention his temptations by Satan in the wilderness … kind of not mentioning that].”